Mar 29, 2006 18:07
The clinical adventures continue...
So... once again, I "teared up" at clinical.
Clinical will be cryfest2006 if this continues...
My patient was in critical condition when I went in this morning. Male, 69, recently underwent chemo for lymphoma, spiked a temp at 40 degrees, unresponsive, tachycardic (HR=150), c/o being cold (even with six blankets), O2 sats weren't reading on the monitor (quite possibly be due to his Raynaud's disease), productive coughing (from his pneumonia), BP was 110/90 (comparing to baseline, he was hypotensive), but most importantly, he was DNR.
He was moaning and groaning as I watched the doctors and nurses come in and out of the room to do his vitals every 5 minutes, giving him an IV push of Metoprolol x3. I watched helplessly as this fragile man was slowly giving up... and I hadn't even started caring for him yet. He was so sick and tired... I felt his pain, his discomfort... So I left the room, with a throbbing heartache and tears welling up in my eyes.
Then his condition got better,
and I felt like an idiot.
He ended up being quite the charmer...So funny and stubborn at the same time. What a guy.
That is all.