Life, Girls, Jobs, Cars, and Places of Residence - A Live Journal Retrospective

Jul 03, 2006 02:12

All names will be abbreviated. Some will know who they are, some will just know themselves, some might not even know that. * = I don’t remember last names...

So at the start of LJ: xwinterhalox

I am 18, straightedge, vegan, just ending the band Edens Descent,
Job: Naval Hospital
Girl: Complicated
Car: 91 Toyota Celica
Residence: Burgaw NC
Roommate: JS

Ok, currently in the band Dwell Beneath living with guitar player JS. Interested in MH, a friend for a previous band’s sister. I deemed her to young to make any moves but we remained pretty good friends, talking on the internet a lot while at work. I was currently attending PC3, moderate crush on AC who I sat behind almost every Sunday. Never made a move on that one. Played random shows with Dwell Beneath around the area when JS introduced me to KB. I fell hard for her. We became really good friends but that was about it. At that time there were a lot of friends in my life: RTDWD, VD,EB, DJ, KB, JS, LS, MH, NH, J* (jerk), KH. After deeming nothing to happen with KB was introduced to EW and KH by KB. EW and I started dating and as she knew I had a large crush on KB, told my I couldn’t hang out with her anymore. This part really saddens me more and more as I think about again. I love her, still. Moved from Burgaw to Jacksonville w/ EW. She was told quite often by everyone that one day I was going to leave her for how she treated me (I did later). Was then introduced to IAM. Met SM, but didn’t really make an effort to keep in contact. Got fired from Naval Hospital (because of IAM, haha), claimed unemployment for 9 months since there are no jobs in Marinetown USA.. Started working at Papa Johns. I became good friends with GP once again over this period of time. Car changed to 98 Malibu. It broke so often that I had no choice but to learn to work on cars.

From here moved to Greensboro w/ EW. Continued working at Papa Johns there as well. Met CG & AG through GP and we all became pretty good friends. Bought 96 civic got T-boned. Bought 95 eclipse gst, sold it. Bought Integra, sold it to CG. Sold Malibu, bought BMW 535i (greg hassle me about selling it all the time). Finally EW and I broke up mutually. She started hanging out w/ the market st kids. I continued hanging out w/ GP, BP and CG. From hanging with GP at his house, met J*2. Had sort of a crush on her, but she was kind of a make out hoe, so got over that pretty quick. Over this week or so EW wants me back, bad. I still say no, she goes nuts and begins self mutilation. I call her parents to take care of her and I get the EFF out. Moved in with GP, BP and CG. End up suing EW for damages she did to our apartment since she didn’t release me from the lease like she said she would. Cops end up taking her car for not paying once being sued (and losing) BLAH>

Met SM in person from IAM along with T*. I liked to T* more that SM, but that’s too much drama right there. SM was just kind of annoying and really self conscious (which I hate, a lot). Against my better judgement, and friends advice, we started dating. Started playing in the band Mark the Machine (w/ members of The Manhattan Project) Sold BMW, bought 95 civic. Lease ended w/ GP and CG and moved to Spicewood Dr w/ AK (guitar player). Everyone in the house was pretty in to drugs and it was pretty gross there. SM started to work at a strip club (gross) After the demise of MTM I moved on to Spring Garden St. Lived w/ KC, B*, & LW. This living arrangement was pretty good for a while. Played w/ The Safe Word for a little while. SM changed a whole lot during this period, probably because of working in a strip club and hanging out with those people. Her wanting to fit in and drink and blah. (Plus she cheated on me in this time, which I found out much later from JH) We almost broke up a few times, but not breaking up got me to where I am today, so I can’t say I regret it. I started working on the civic a lot there (engine, rear disc brake, power steering, interior swap). And it was almost stolen so I moved to Trinity w/ SM. MISTAKE! From there SM and I moved to charlotte w/ JH. JH & SM fought a lot, which was kind of funny. They were both the same age, both pretty immature and SM wanted to act like she was the mom the whole time. I bought my beloved WRX here. SM and I ended up breaking up mutually. She blames me for blah blah blah, but the worst thing I did to her was break up with her. If I had been in a situation where I could have sooner, I would have. But my car wasn’t working and blah blah blah, it didn’t happen. I tried to get out before Charlotte but was talked back into it, so I stayed. (life lesson, don't date girls that are young and spoiled, especially if they want you to be the bread winner while they get a fun job that doesn't pay much because you'll support them. Life is 50/50, this ain't the 1800s.) I meet AO a few weeks before the demise of SM and I but nothing was going on. I saw her a couple of times hanging out w/ friends after work. The day after SM and I split, I started seeing AO. I stayed w/ her for two weeks planning to move back to Greensboro w/ GP but I really wanted to see where AO were going and she asked me to stay. So I stayed and we’ve been through good and bad times, but I have never regretted being with her. So we moved to Wilmington to get away from Charlotte and all the crap that goes on there. And here I am now in Wilmington enjoying life again. Making money, drawing and painting a lot, and getting prepared for tattooing by the end of the year. So here I am now, entertain me.

I'm writing all this to say farewell to xwinterhalox. I am moving on to a new screen name and thought it only proper to send it out with a history of the most important parts of this time period.

OK, Abbreviations: Who can name the most:?

I bet GP can...
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