Heroes Finale (and fic thoughts about Jack Harkness)

May 22, 2007 22:15

So really Ando got the Whovian-companion arc, right? Snatched from an ordinary life into adventures far away and in strange times, and along the way he learns how to be a hero. And then he gets dropped off to pick up his life again, at least for the time being.

Ando at least has Hiro's reassurance he'll be back one day, although even that's slightly dubious since after all Ando knows Hiro is going to be risking his life, and who knows where the little guy might end up, cool sword skills or no. Most of the Doctor's companions never even get that assurance.

And as for the trouble he might have reintegrating, just look at what happened to Sarah Jane. I can't really see Ando happily going back to life as an office drone. If he still has that job, that is, since I doubt that running off one day without notice and then showing up again god knows how much later carrying big bladed weapons (and traditional or no, there have to be some regulations regarding that even in Japan) is all that conducive to job security, even if you're friends with the boss's son. All the more so when that boss's son has suddenly disappeared and he was last seen with you.

Right, ficcy thoughts. If I can get them out, maybe they won't be haunting me, or maybe I can get enough order into them to actually write fic.

At the moment, I really want Ando and Jack Harkness to meet. Let them compare notes on learning to be a hero, maybe. And explore that whole companion-y similarity. The problem there being that Ando is obviously in Japan, and if he's going anywhere it'll be to New York, while Jack Harkness is in Cardiff. Because of timeline peculiarities, the events of the first series of Torchwood won't even have happened yet. Also a lot of the events in Who. Aliens of London may just have taken place, though. So Tosh could be at TW3, maybe.

A possibility for the two of them meeting would be Jack going to Japan to investigate (on personal title?) some oddities that have been occuring there, funny temporal/spatial shifts. That should lead him fairly straight to Yamagato, since Hiro seems to have been exercising his abilities quite a lot around his office (he may even have been doing it while unaware, which would fit, but also raise the question of why Jack hasn't investigated sooner. And why he's investigating in Tokyo but not in New York)

Hmmm, if Aliens of London/WWIII have happened before the Heroes timeline, then Boomtown has to happen not too long after that. Just after the Heroes timeline maybe? Then Jack going to investigate is an excuse to get out of Cardiff so he doesn't have to watch himself and the Doctor, and going to Japan so he can take Tosh (who is the only one of the TW staff to have seen the Doctor and so might recognise him and spur the team into doing something) on the pretense of needing a translator (of course Jack speaks Japanese, but he's not letting on if he can help it. Much handier to appear an ignorant foreigner sometimes)

But that still leaves the actual plot wanting. Basically Jack and Ando still have no reason to actually talk to each other.

I *also* really want to explore what would happen is Jack, with his rather stilted relationship with time, were to confront Hiro. So many possibilities there. And I can't think of a plot that could make it work. Aargh.

Anybody interested in taking over the bunnes or helping me develop one is more than welcome. Any thoughts?

heroes, torchwood, tv, fanfic

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