Fic: Pandora's Box : The Myths and Realities of the Pandorica (Doctor Who, G)

Aug 17, 2010 07:55

Title:Pandora's Box : The Myths and Realities of the Pandorica
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Comments 54

kesomon August 17 2010, 09:19:35 UTC
<3 brilliance. So professional-seeming and realistic. I could totally believe this if circumstances dictated it.


xwingace August 17 2010, 13:00:18 UTC
Thank you!


rochvelleth August 17 2010, 10:09:13 UTC
Oh. My. Goodness. This is just perfection. I love you so much for doing this, it's made of serious WIN. I love that you have illustrations and footnotes and everything. I didn't expect to come online today and find so much awesome, what with this and thelistkeeper's fez/skull picture. *runs away squeeeing*

You know what it reminds me of? Michael Crichton's Eaters of the Dead, especially the introduction. (That book has some flaws in the story part, I think, but the introduction is brilliant.)



xwingace August 17 2010, 13:14:35 UTC
My brain is weird. I tried to write a story about Rory's 2000 years as the Lone Centurion, and instead this came out. Those footnotes were hell to think up, too. I'm glad you liked it so much. And a rec, even. Thanks!

I saw your post about your coming job yesterday, and I had an inkling you would either like this or completely condemn me for the mess I made of your field. I'm happy it's the first. :-)

I must have read Eaters of the Dead at some point, but I can't honestly remember anything of it, certainly not of the introduction. I may have to find that again somewhere.

Thank you for the comment!



rochvelleth August 17 2010, 14:14:44 UTC
Well I'm very glad your brain is weird! ;D And I'm very glad you wrote this, because it was a great read! I just love this kind of genre. Brilliantly executed too. The Egyptian picture reminds me of a bit of real research on the Minoan bull's head rhyton that one of my colleagues was doing recently :)

I'd recommend Eaters of the Dead definitely - it's the one The 13th Warrior was based on, where Crichton cleverly interweaves the idea of an Arab travelling with Vikings (which has a factual basis) with the Beowulf legend.


xwingace August 17 2010, 14:21:58 UTC
Well, I can't really take credit for the *pictures*, the BBC mocked those up. I just put them in a context.

(Is the referencing style right? It was hard to find guidance on that)

Yeah, I read Eaters of the Dead in the 13th Warrior version. I'll see if I can find it again for a reread.



omfgitsjo August 17 2010, 10:53:03 UTC
Ohmygod. This is amazing <3 I love it, it's so realistic, with the footnotes and everything.
BRILLIANT. Just. Brilliant.

And the Discworld reference makes it even more awesome :D


xwingace August 17 2010, 13:17:05 UTC
Footnotes are hard work. Nice to see they're appreciated.

Every library is a TARDIS, of sorts. :-)

Thank you for your comment!



gamiila August 17 2010, 13:30:52 UTC
Heh. If I hadn't known my Ammianus, it'd have me fooled ;-)


xwingace August 17 2010, 14:26:20 UTC
Suddenly all the classicists are revealing themselves. :-)

You know more about Ammianus than I do, then. I needed a period-appropriate Roman historian, and did some Googling until I found one.

Glad you liked it!



gamiila August 17 2010, 15:35:46 UTC
Yes, well; classical archaeologist here -- it sort of goes with the territory. I wouldn't say I knew him particularly well, though ;-)

But your paper is a perfect mock-up, and very convincing. It's also an interesting and entertaining read, and I like it a lot.


xwingace August 17 2010, 20:28:34 UTC
I have no historical/classical background whatsoever, unless you count Latin in high school. I do love the subject, though, and apparently scholarese is pretty similar across humanities and natural sciences...

Thank you again for your comments! My ego is doing well off them. ;-D



eclecticmuse August 17 2010, 15:40:04 UTC
Oh my god. I ... I think I love you.

As someone who's loved history her entire life, and started out at college as a history major (ended up with a minor), I totally fangasmed over this. I mean ... the illustrations ... the footnotes ... fanfic as a historical paper ... if I weren't married I'd be all MARRY ME AND BEAR MY INTERNET CHILDREN.

This is so awesome! One thing, if I may: a minor mispelling on Fig. 2: 'Freeze' should be 'frieze', right?


xwingace August 17 2010, 16:45:09 UTC
I'm glad people seem to like the weirdness that comes out of my head sometimes. :-)

Thank you for your comment!

re: the misspelling... *whistles innocently* where? ;-p you're right, thanks for telling me!


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