
May 31, 2009 15:29

Fox Sports released rankings today on each NFL franchise, not just the teams but ownership, coaching, fanbase, etc.: the whole package. Guess who's on top?

Bill Belichick is the best head coach in football. Tom Brady is the best quarterback in football. Bob Kraft is a fantastic owner who knows how to market his team while letting Belichick run everything dealing with football. New England got a 30 out of 30 for head coach, quarterback and owner. The league created what it thought was a dynasty-proof system with the salary cap, yet New England was able to dominate because of the structure established under Belichick and Kraft. The New England Patriots don't just top these rankings, they are the model franchise in all of professional sports.

After class on Saturday I walked over to the Hatch Shell for Earthfest, because I wanted to catch Soul Aslyum's set. And I did! They were one of my favorite bands growing up, and if I don't spin them all that much anymore, still, it was cool to see them. Grave Dancer's Union was one of the best albums of the '90s. I don't care that I'm probably one of the only people who thinks that.

I keep finding things to add to this. Apparently, Jacqueline Carey is releasing another Kushiel book, entitled Naamah's Kiss, and hitting stores the 24th of June. Unless you order a copy, and I'm not going to, what this really means is the book will be available in libraries sometime in September. Seriously, it is next-to impossible to get a copy in the first couple months, unless you buy one or read it in the bookstore. I like to really soak them up, though, so I usually get a copy and cocoon myself somewhere soft and well-provisioned and sort of disappear for a weekend. Needless to say, I am looking forward to this vacation.

The plot is, lessee, oh, okay (first chapter here), it's about Imriel and Sidonie's daughter. Of course it is. This is my concern: will their be any SM? I hope so. The fact that Naamah and not Kushiel is the titular deity makes me wary. Either way, it'll be fantastic. This is one of the few fantasy series I don't read just for the sexy parts.

Flea is July 11, noon to six, at the Cyclorama/Center for the Arts on Tremont Street (next to the Beehive). I have class and will miss it; but I'm going to try to get on the volunteer list to break down, because I've been away from scene-y things for months, and I hate to miss the Fleas entirely. Come find me if you're there at the end and want a spanking (or conversation, whatever).
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