It smells like I burned down the house

May 08, 2005 21:34

Worked sucked, as usual. The two people that were closing with me left early so I was by myslef all evening. I just tried to deep fry motz sticks and I burnt them all. Jon makes them perfect. 4 more damn days, and there going slow as fuck. Yesterday at work I found a green tree frog stuck to a planter and I tried to get him off but he kept jumping from me so I went inside and got the kid from inside garden to grab him for me. He finally got him and we went to put him back in the flowers and the frog wouldnt let go of his gloves, and kept jumping around. I looked away for a sec and when I looked back the frog was stuck to his lips LOL. I died laughing. This kid never smiles or laughs and he was smiling, I was amazed. I had a dream the other night, there were dead cats all over the road and I was swerving and trying not to hit them. It freaked me out. I've been seeing alot of ran over cats lately and I guess its been bothering me. I've been having alot fo weird dreams, one was that our house was on fire and Jasper was stuck inside. Then I had another dream that our house was on fire and I was telling my mom (in my dream) that I just had a dream that our house was on fire. Then I had a few about my dad, which are to sad and scary to discuss. o0o0o0o0o....Local H is coming to Orlando in June. We are so going. Seether is coming too. Breaking Benjamin and Staind are touring together. I cant wait for that.
I havent seen Staind in a long ass time.
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