Basic Info..
Name: Celina
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Location: Meriden CT
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Allergies: None what so ever.
Band: Right now its TERROR
Book: Johnny got his gun
Movie: Pulp Fiction
Song: Right now its Mosh n Roll-BURY YOUR DEAD
Childhood memory: When I stole lifesavers from the store when i was four.
Least Favorite Band: slipknot..GROSS.
What are 5 things you can't live without? Music, Shows, My friends, Hair wax...yeah thats it.
What do you do when you're bored? Go for a walk and listen to my cd player.
Do you know how to milk a cow? Yuck no.
Would you sleep with me for a dollar? No. Im not a piece of white trash.
If you could be any shoe.. what would it be/why? Post a picture of it: I like flip flops, and it would be the stiletto flip flops from express, because they are cute as hell...i dont have a pic.
What's your GPA? 2.3
What are your best and worst features? Best: Eyes, hair, ass. Worst: Chin
How do you feel about guys with platinum hair? Uh thats a negative.
Orlando Bloom as Legolas, Will Turner, or Paris? LEGOLAS ALL THE WAY!
Have you ever had a beverage come out of your nose/explain? One time when I was little I had soda come out of my nose, Im not sure how it happend it just burned like hell.
What do you want to do with your life? I want to do something with music or fashion.
Would you sleep with me for a million dollars? NO. IM NOT SOME TRASHY WHORE!
If you could be anywhere in the world right now.. where would it be/why? China or paris. they have shopping to die for.
What's your biggest acheivement so far in life? Havent really had one but....hmmm...not failing out of highschool yet?
If you could meet anyone.. alive or dead.. who would it be? The singer of converge, cause hes so damn jawesome lookin.
What's the craziest thing you've ever done? I've done a lot. Threw moldy coffee at some random bitches car, seriously stomped a boys face, lots of things.
If you could do one thing to Britney Spears.. what would it be? Throw a brick at her face!
What are your thoughts on:
Alcohol/drugs: Im not one to do them but, if you would like to go ahead. Just dont become so alcoholic or druggy.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: I dont watch the show, so no comment.
Abortion: Im pro-life 100% no questions asked.
Accents: I hate em, unless they are irish, british or scottish.
Homosexual marriage: If you love somebody you should be able to marry them, no matter what sex they are.
Sorority girls: Once again I dont watch the show, but I heard it was pretty damn good.
Sex: I dont have it, but if you're going to do it, be fucking responsible. WEAR A CONDOM!
The word 'panties': Uhhh wha?
Religion: I go to church twice a week. I believe in god, i just dont preach about it to people that dont want to hear it.
And lastly..
Why do you feel like you should get voted in? Because im teh fucking flip!
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