
Jun 27, 2004 22:21


I'm fucking tired. I've played basketball for like 4-5 hours today at Lakewood. I did alright. I was also yet again underestimated. Just because I'm a tall, lanky white metalhead doesn't mean I can't kick your ass. I still need practice though. I think I'm good enough to make the team, but I just don't want to make the team. I actually want some playing time. Like 8-10 minutes a gain ain't to bad. I'm, of course aiming to get more playing time then that. I dunno if I would though.

Yesterday was Sabreen's sorta surprise birthday party. She knew she was getting a birthday party. She just didn't know when. I was the first one to show up. Since I was the only one there at the time, some annoying kid annoyed the shit out of me. I felt like throwing him in the pool, but he was only like 5 or 6. I couldn't do that to anyone that young.

Then around an hour and a half after I arrived, Sabreen came. One of her annoying sisters, or cousins ruined the surprise by yelling "SABREEN IS HERE!!! LOLZLOLZLOLZ" like a fucking retard. Oh well, it was bound to happen. I would have thrown her in the pool too, but she was a girl, and I can't do that shit to girls either.

Well, after she came and got changed, Sabreen, her family, Justin Rebhan, and me when into the pool. Justin did all these crazy front flips into the pool. I used to dislike Justin very much for no reason at all, but now I think he's somewhat cool. So I really don't dislike him anymore. I can't judge people before I meet them anymore. I have a bad habit for that.

Later on Dougie Hopkins and Jessica (I dunno her last name) came. We threw them into the pool multiple times. It was fun. Around 9:30 - 10:00 pm. everyone started leaving. While everyone was leaving, the girls braided mine and Justins hair. When My stepdad first saw it, he said I looked like a nigger. It was funny. Well that's all... ~PeAcE NiGgUhS~

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