
May 29, 2004 10:52


How's it going? I'm fine. I just got back from Ryan's. I slept over his house. It was somewhat fun. We got to play pool basketball with Bobby and BB. It was me and BB versus Ryan and bobby. We play a game to like 50. Me and BB crushed them i think 50-18? It was someplace around there. We crushed them all three or four games, so it doesn't matter. It was funny how Ryan thought he had great "pool basketball" defense, when all he does is foul.If he played the correct way, he ould be horrible. Except.. he wouldn't be too bad at shooting. He can nail some open shots.

I'm already practicing really hard in basketball. I really want to make a team. Tryouts are in November. I still have plenty of time. I already starting working out a little bit. I'm tall and that's good, but if I get tall and strong. It would be alot better. The most dominant people usually get picked. I'm also going to the courts alot for practice.the people down there are surprisenly friendly. They aren't half-bad players either. It's fun playing with them.

I'm out..

~PeAcE oUt~
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