The Darker Side of Sexy

Apr 06, 2007 04:29

+ About you +
Name - Amanda
What you would like to be called - Amanda
Age - 16
Sexual preference - I tend to swing both ways..
Status - In a temporary relationship (pretty much, fuck buddies for a couple months until I move)
Height/weight- 5'5" 110lbs

+ This or that +
Love or Lust - Both?
Black or White - depends..
Tits or Ass - ass
Sexy or hott - sexy
Stripper or Pornstar - stripper

+How would you seduce someone+
I tend to stare at someone untill i get a chance to talk, then start to rub on their leg if they seem interested..

+ What's the wickedest thing you've ever done +
I slept with someone on a school trip (with my boyfriend's mom and sister on the trip with us), then when he asked about it, I told him I didn't know what he was talkin about. All he said was 'ok'.. (because he didn't have the balls to get mad at me.. )Then since he didn't even get mad at me for it, I broke up with him.. reason: "You have no balls, and I didn't want to be the man in our relationship"

+Tell us about yourself+
*I'm a Junior in high school
*Generally known as a "heinous bitch" so that's how I tend to introduce myself now
*My doctor recommended anger management, but I figured it'd piss me of, so I never went
*I do make good grades, regardless of going out a lot *science nerd*
*I love to draw.. just wish I had time to more
*I do get mad really easily, but I've never become physically violent.. Instead I just know the perfect thing to say to piss someone off
*I'm a military brat, so I'm getting ready to move to Utah
*I don't really like kids..
*I love different cultures.. I think my biggest curse is that I'm a white american
*I really want to be really famous.. most people don't understand that, but I can't really explain it.

+ What does xwicked_fxcksx mean to you(testimonial) +
(This better be flattering, and quite long! )

Well, first of all, it gives me a place to be a bitch without it being "wrong" and..
The people on here probably wont annoy me as much as everyone else in the world does, because I crave confidence in people, and it takes a little to do this kind of thing.

+ Make us a icon or banner of some kind +

+ Promote +
Promote in your userinfo,journal, and 1 community and prove it
1/ userinfo
2/ journal
3/ community

+ Picture time +
You said your a wicked fxck so prove it.

Post 5-10 pictures of yourself

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