Nov 06, 2005 22:16
so fall out boy right? our big fun exciting seattle trip right?
here's how it goes.
chelle comes to pick me up at around nine. we go to her dad's church so he can fix her cd player then to fred meyer's for snacks. we're on the road by ten and the drive goes well. get to seattle without even getting lost and check into the hotel. its super cute. we get all pretty'd in polka dot dresses and walk down to the waterfront. walk around, buy trinkets for friends and smelled lots of seafood. (ick)
it started raining so we decided to walk the six blocks back to the hotel. oh did i mention those six blocks were on hills as steep as a ninety degree angle? i could never live in seattle. anywyas, six blocks and one asthma attack later, we get back to the hotel and get ready for the concert. did i mention we were out of our minds excited? well we were.
so we get to the show, and long story short, THE SHOW GOT FUCKING CANCELLED. there was a rockslide in snoqualmie that they couldn't get around. amazing. so we pretty much drove all the way up there and chelle paid sixty dollars for the tickets for no reason.
so we go back to the hotel to figure out what the hell to do for the rest of the night (it was only five thirty) in a town where we have no idea where anything is let alone not having anyone to hang out with. we get in the elevator and guess what? THE ELEVATOR GETS STUCK. so for five minutes we're freaking out in the elevator, practically in tears.. really fucking scary. i do not recommend it. we use the emergency phone to call them and they keep telling us to hit the button harder and chelle is punching it as hard as she can and it won't move. so finally they get us out and the bell boy laughs at us. we run up six flights of stairs because we sure as hell aren't riding the elevator again. decided, FUCK IT. we're going home. go back to the room, grab our stuff, tell the hotel attendant we have a family emergency and check out.
three hours later, we're back at michelle's. our fun fun supposed-to-be vacation turned out to be the worst night possible. i'm really frustrated and haven't really caught my breath from the first asthma attack of the day. we're both really worked up and our lungs hurt. we might go buy ourselves something to try and feel better.