(no subject)

May 19, 2005 23:29

So, i'm impulsive...Last night, at 11PM, I decided I wanted to go catch the midnight release of STAR WARS EPISODE III. It was frickin' sweet. Oh man, it was kind of sad, too. Even if you don't like STAR WARS, you should go see it, because it's a cool action movie. Some of it makes more sense if you've seen the Cartoon Network Clone Wars series. Anyways, that was awesome... Tonight we had our orchestra banquet and it was the coolest banquet I think anyone's ever seen. We played 9 square and I was king when we had to stop, I guess that means I win. We had a slideshow that last for FOREVER...but I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. I'm gonna miss our seniors sooooooooooooooo much. We're sometimes looked down on, because we're a small orchestra, but it's better that way. We're more of a family than some people's actual families. I bet the North Cobb kids couldn't even tell you everyone's name in their orchestra, much less something about each person. Anyways, I managed to get away with quite a chunk of cake, and a gag award. I got the "makes unnecessary (and not funny) comments" award...At least I got an award. Mr. Hague... a guy who you'd never expect to show sensitivity, showed his soft side tonight. He gave some of our seniors hugs, it was crazy. I got a letter for orchestra...I felt kind of good, but at the same time I felt bad. I don't know/think [if] I completely earned my letter, but I know there were some people that most definitely didn't and they got them. I'm still grateful that I got one, though... State Cup is only two weeks away and I really really need to step it up. I had such an off night the other night; wasn't communicating, listening to my teammates, playing smart, or completing the simplest of passes. I don't know, I just felt really bad. Anyways, i'm starving so i'm gonna go get some food.
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