Laura wrote this. It's worth while reading the whole thing.

May 08, 2005 21:25

Eventhough it's really long, you should read all of it. You don't have to read all of it at once but my friend Laura wrote it and the last paragraph is for a friend and it is just awesome.

My age fluctuates. I am both a 5-year old child branching out into the wilderness by swinging on a swing-set while the wind flirts with the trees; and I am a wise 42-year old woman with experiences that hold unattainable knowledge of places gone abroad and perfect explanations to mysterious questions. Ask me, I'll always have an answer.
Whether it's a logical, spiritual, or an "I don't know" answer , it is just for you. Only one with such grace and beauty as yourself can have questions that make me ponder and ruminate for hours about God's clockwork of life.

News anchors across the globe are reporting that this has got to be the greatest exodus since the Holocaust. Millions, if not thousands of millions, are packing their suitcases and heading out the door. Most forgot to bring their toothbrush. It's serious, it's fatally serious, as I hear. Wait, there are incoming calls, these battered souls and screaching yells... I can't seem to understand. "Go save yourself!" Oh dear, this is serious. The president of the United States is even resigning, not that it'll be of much difference, if you ask of my opinion. Oh dear, the camera men and donut boys are leaving as well. Ladies & gentlemen, I'm afraid that I am left alone at the WWJD station. If you are at home, then you are the only life connection I have. I'ts quite a different experience when you know millions of people are watching you, they need you for news, they want to hear what you have to say. Whatever I say, even if I direct it at one person, everyone can hear it. ...don't leave, please keep listening to me... It's quite frightening when you're left alone.

I'm convinced that the world is after you. The woodpeckers are pecking on your door. The penguins are swimming from their cold seclusion to try to slap sense into you. It has gotten to the point where your own mother has stopped washing your dirty boxers. You can grit your teeth as long as you want, but a simple apology will halt this chaos. Stop the witch trials and halt the executions. Speak of the truth. Speak of the God's truth and how you lied to save your scalp from getting skinned. Tell how you showed innocent victims how to die, how to commit suicide. Tell them that you're the Dr. Kovorkian of the new age. You have found a new method to killing them all off. A simple bloody kiss and all the poison now sinks into their bloodstream. They've done it once, they've done it all. Of course, you don't read them the CAUTION details and so gracefully failed to mention the existence of the fine print. Now, be a good boy and say sorry... and say what you have to say for yourself.
- -"What? I just want to try new things with new people. What? Are you afraid to be alone?"- -

All the possibilities are endless. Can't you see? The world is given to you on a silver platter. Stop noticing that the platter wasn't handwashed, or that the chicken would be better with some extra garlic. And stop making sure that your wine glass holds exactly 24 mL of squeezed-grape wine. There are many others who would be grateful for your leftovers. Stop denying life! Go outside, notice the sunshine, sing like no one's listening. Sing to God & tell him how you've been a horrid individual for caring more about your make-up and hair than telling your mother you love her. Tell Him how you haven't talked to her in weeks even though you two live together. Speak to the world of how actions speak louder than words. And let them see how you act as if you are the only one who matters, although you speak of the Bible and God's words. Don't tell the world that you're a hypocrite, they already know.
Amidst the chaos of urbanization and smog, there lies radiantly exquisite irony. Is that not true? In the beginning, Adam was in desperate want for a significant other for he was lonesome. Hence, one of his ribs transformed into a beautiful woman. Now, in the modernist age, women are the ones to seek the affections of men. They are the ones to sacrifice much more than a rib; they sacrifice their heart. You want it all.

"God's trademark on his creations is love."

Hey baby, how you been? Good? Well, let me tell you what I've been thinking: I think it's sweet when you hold her face. Putting your hand on her cheek, looking into her eyes, telling her tall tales of the world. Keeping her safe from the cruel world, placing her into a fairy tale song. Don't tell her that the song ends in 5... 4... 3...2... 1...

"And all I could see would be the stars. And stars are the places where the molecules that life is made of were constructed billions of years ago. For example, all the iron in your blood which stops you from being anemic was made in a star."
sub X crucelumen: While the radio waves crash into each other and you're off reminiscing about times past... remember:
What you have been longing for so long you don't need to long for any more. You've made it! You've gone to the edge of the world and come back with love, friendship, pride, and so much more. You've lived through sleepless nights and crying hours. You've experienced ecstatic times with unforgettable memories. Odd nicknames, out-of-this-world acronyms, giving encouraging words, making life-altering decisions, changing someone else's world. Babe, you've done it all. God creates miracles. You are proof to that statement. Be nervous, be scared... but know that God is pushing you to climb that ladder. And know, that we'll be at the bottom... to catch you if you fall.
I love you Kate.
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