Feb 03, 2005 01:59
I've read back on a few of my entries from last year and what not. I was so dumb. Most of my entries were pity entries like ohhh god everyone feel bad for me because im so sad and shit. It's amazing how much one person can change in one year. I've been able to cut a bad habbit that ruined one of my friendships. I was called selfish, and that said person really didn't want to have anything to do with me. Which I regret a lot because I think it could have been a really awesome friendship. I have seen that said person here and there little hello's how are you doing's after a nice period of no talking. Who knows where this story will go from here hopefully we can pick up where we left off?
This year has been way better then the last. I don't loathe in self pity waiting for someone to save me. I've been getting close with a lot of people I never really saw myself getting close with. I've been having a lot of fun, and making kick ass friends. As for my old friends, some I'm still friends with, and some are fading out in their own 'groups.' But i guess that is what highschool is all about. Fuck it if you ask me.
School has been going pretty well for me as well Made honor Roll both grading periods so far. I just got a 74 on my Edel mid-term, which I am quiet proud of after hearing many other scores. Sure if I would have ACTUALLY Studied im sure i could have pulled a B possibly even an A. I got to drop math lab for this next semester I've got an A+ in my math course and don't really see the point in taking Math Lab. Which means I've got threeeee study halls count them with me UNO DOS TREC! I hate spanish god only knows how I am pulling off a B- in that class. Call me ignorant, but I like the english language very much thank youuu. In a few years who knows what my opinion could be on that.
I've gotten myself in to watching three main shows. The O.C which is on tomarrow night might I remind myself. Taylor and Chelsea are coming over and we are watching all last season's DVD's of the oc and having a little party. Yes we are dorks, but we don't care. We've been trying to have this since before Christmas break.
Tonight I went down to wing night to hang out with some people, me being a veggie I passed on the meats like always. I got some fries which magicly just kept disappearing..hah. I wouldn't have been able to finish them all anyways. Amanda took lots of pictures and It was fun. AJ STEVE MANDA JILL JOWETT all came over after. We all squeezed in AJ's car me and Jill sitting in the front seat together.
Friday I believe I'm heading in to pittsburgh with AJ and some other people to see some band. Not really sure who they are but i figure it'll be fun just go go, who knows I might even end up liking them. That has happened to me before I went to see the Violent Femms with my cousin Megan when I was visting her, and I ended up falling in love with it. It was a lot of fun and a lot of great music.
<3 Jessie
Ohhh PS. I think im getting my hair cut and dyed.