Super Super Funerific, kidz.
We raved.
We hugged.
We danced.
We .. orgyed?
Well .. you'll see by the pictures anyway.
So, here's the first batch from Kayla's camera.
Trickyyy and some of my ass. We're probably arguing.
Dome. Ryan. Lacey. I honestly don't know what was going on here but Dome looks pretty happy .. almost satanic.
Tyler's showing off his prostitute, Ryan [note the money]
SUPER ORGY YAYYY!!!! Dave was in there at one point.
Mel =]=]=]
Yay Campo and Kayla!!!
Doooooooome .. and Patrick!
Dave and his Mario games. Yay.
Ahhh!! Mi Dance Parter & Lover!!!!!
.. some how these pics got outta the LJ cut.
Oh well. =]
More to come!!!
<3 me