Feb 21, 2006 13:22
welll for those of you who know me semi-well you know where i went this weekend... NEW YORK FUCKING CITY!!
it has to be one of the best places in the world...it basically has everything there, and every type of person...(every race, religion, and language) which is awesome in my eyes... and also seeing all the parents take their kids who were 9 and 10 some younger and actually teaching the kids something really warmed my soul... makes me think our future has a chance( because if it was up to KY we would be fucked ) the only thing that sucks of course in KY is the driving...but its mostly taxi drivers and they all know what they are doing so there werent any wrecks...and the people being dicks up there myth...well in my eyes that is entirely false, for those of you who know me im a pretty big talked so anyone random up there that i talked to pretty much had something to say back. this was anywhere ( sidewalks, stores, subway, taxi, hotel, just anybody anywhere will talk to you) and of course through this i found out NY wasnt a bad place, of course every town has a bad part even scottsville, NY gets a bad rap ebcause of Harlem, Queens, and the Bronx. but none of the rest of the town is like those places...of course stay out of the bad and you wont see the bad...duhhhh.
List of places I went :
Times Square
5th Avenue
The Wellington Hotel
Ray's Pizza ( great place )
We all ate at some Brazzillian place but i cant remember its name was very fancy set us all back 40 bucks.
Empire State Building
Statue of Liberty
Trump Tower
A&F (there was like 5 stories of hott models[male and female])
Macys (Sierra insisted :-P )
Chinatown (oooo there is some amazing stories from there... )
Mcdonalds ( it had 2 stories but our mc D's has better food believe it or not )
Hersheys Chocolate Co.
Champs SPorting Goods
Random local places ( like souvenier shops )
Virgin Records
Bubba Gump Shrimp
St Patricks Cathedral
Museum of Natural History
Metropolitan Mueum of Art
Central Park
that is all im remembering right now, i just woke up...