**magical fun dip=)**

Feb 12, 2005 20:48

so great..i skipped school yesterday...didnt feel like going and my mom was like "'fuck it"...i went down to tc for the night...hung out at bbos then we both went over to christys....i died their hair...looks awesome. at about 10 we decided that we really wanted some fun dip...it was a journey,man....we walk this long ass way to this little store because the first one doesnt have it...what store doesnt have fun dip!?...anyways....we wrote magical fun dip in some wet cement!..heh. then we hung out in the hot tub....twas fun. yeah,we are def. moving...by the end of this month...so thats cool i guess. we were lookin at houses yesterday...im gettin my lip peirced soon! so hel yessssss!.we dont have school on monday..so i think im gonna go down to tc to hang out with some people for vday..*shrugs* well thats all i feel like updating about...now that all this family thats been here ALL DAY LONG has left (=(!) im gonna watch spun...tis a good movie..i suggest it to all you foos. ill probably fall asleep though...heh...here are some pics we took last night...lol....that is all..


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