You're awful, I love you[2/?]

Oct 27, 2008 18:04

Title: You're awful, I love you[2/?]
Author: xwbsmyhbx
Pairing: ryden
POV: ryan, first
Summary: ryan can't stand it anymore.
Disclaimer: as real as tara reid's boobs
Author Notes: im a little rusty to this havent written in a long time so sorry if this is crap. title taken from the song "love me dead" by ludo:]

Brendon rose from his coveted position on the couch and I pretended that I was reading an old copy of The New Yorker.

"Morning," Brendon yawned.
"More like afternoon," I said acting as if I were enthralled in the magazine i was reading.
"It's too early to be technical, Ry."

I laughed at this. This was another reason I loved Brendon, he could make me laugh. No matter how small the joke, he could make me laugh.

"Hey just wondering, why did I wake up here? Shouldn't I be at Will & Travvy's?"
"You were too heavy for those two drunk dick heads to handle. So they asked if you could stay here. I obliged." Another lie to add to the long list.

It didn't matter if the guys found out I said that though. Everyone knew I loved Brendon. It's not like I told them. They had guessed.

The only person I have personally told was Patrick. Only because he completely understood. He was in a love quandary as well. Patrick was in love with his best friend, Pete. They were together but everyone including himself knew that Pete constantly cheated on Patrick. The only reason Pete stayed with Patrick was because this way he could always have someone to fuck. According to me, Pete was just an asshole waiting for a beat down. Then again Patrick could say the same of Brendon so I guess I shouldn't talk.

Currently Pete was completely with this girl Ashlee right now. While this is normal terms would seem like Patrick would be around more, he was actually around less trying to befriend Ashlee, make her feel guilty and in the end break them up and make Pete fall madly in love with him again.

Oh, love. What a tangled web it weaves.

"Plus they wanted to fuck eachother's brains out, right?" Brendon laughed.

Will and Travvy had been together for nearly a year now. Personally I thought Will was still in love with our childhood friend Gabe, but no one had seen or heard from him in at least two years so Will must of decided to move on. Or try to anyways.

"Yeah I guess. So Spencer gets back today right?" I asked smiling.
Spencer would be considered my best friend if Brendon didn't exist.

"Yup and Jon too." Brendon said smiling as big as me. Jon and Brendon has a special bond that I simply couldn't understand. They were so different, Jon being so quiet and Brendon being so outgoing, but they got along better than almost anyone could.

Part of me loved them coming back. The other part hated it. Because while Jon usually kept Brendon in bounds, Spencer was always trying to convince me to tell Brendon how I actually felt.

Here's how a standard conversation went:

Spencer: You have to tell him Ry.
Me: No.
Spencer: But you love him.
Me: Not that much.
Spencer: Yeah right Ross.
Me: Yeah I am right.
Spencer: Fuck can you stop lying for once?!
Me: I'm not lying
Spencer: Fuck!

Then Spencer would leave for twenty minutes, I would cry and he'd come back in and we'd hug and apologize then we'd play XBOX and eventually Jon and Brendon would join us.

It was then I heard the car roll up on the gravel driveway. Brendon hadn't though and I didn't like ruining the suprise for him. I didn't like ruining anything for him.

Spencer and Jon were in the same church program that their parents had forced them to go to and they had been in New Orleans building houses for the past month. Though I knew it was a good cause and it was selfish for me to feel this way, I was kind of sad that I would only get two months of summer with them. After all this was the summer before senior year. The one that would define said senior year.

Then again I had gotten some personal alone time with Brendon. That was always nice.

The sliding door slid open, and in came the two boys we'd been waiting for.

Spencer and Jon in next chapter
sorry this is short
I dont know exactly where this is going but i think i like it
comments, anyone?
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