My name is Forrest Gump but my friends call me Forrest Gump

Oct 24, 2004 14:34

Forrest Gump is the best movie I have seen since The Lion King. Oh yes. Don't you dare make fun of me assholes, or I will personally break your ugly, fat face. So..there.

It's 2:30 already and I haven't done anything of any importance today. The only thing I've done already is watch Forrest Gump and the Ring and cleaned out my ears and shit like that. Yes, my life is boring, but no, you are not allowed to comment on that.

People are such assholes sometimes. I just want to fry their ugly fat brains and kill them. I am so sick and tired of people trying to be something they're not. It's pissing me off. All I need to know is that I am being who I am and if none of ya'll don't like that, then I'm a gonna hafta kick your effing ass.

As you can tell, I'm not in the best of moods, only because of some people and their miraculous stupidity that never seems to fail bothering me. I just seem to hate everyone, huh? I like Megan a little bit I guess, I like Kristi Mae and other people, but other people are being jerk-offs and won't fricken give me the time of day.

Alls well that ends well. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." The most famous quote off of Forrest Gump. I love this movie. EECK.

"Like oh my god, Ryan Cabrerra and Ashlee Simpson and like, all these cool people, are the best artisits of all time. I can't wait until Ryan's concert, he is so going to talk to me!" I hate that. Bitch, when you go to a concert, those people performing up there think that you are a piece of dirt underneath their designer shoes. I'd rather go have someone puke on me then go to any of those idiot's concerts!

I just wanted to get that out of my system before I hurled all over someone. And also for those people who think that copying other people's interest in bands that are barely famous yet, I hate you and I hate your mothers. I hate you being alive, and I probably will hate you dead. (Threat? No sweetheart, that was a promise...)

I am in the best mood possible. I am having a really ok weekend and only some people are ruining it. Like the people mentioned above. I don't know what is wrong with me, I just like repeating all of the things I hate over and over again in my entries. I love it when people copy me doing THAT too. God, is this a never-ending copying cycle. I hate it, and I hate people that copy, and I hate people who copy them too. Jesus, here I go again.

This is an ok-lengthed entry. I don't think it is long, but it isn't short either. In a few minutes, its going to be long though. After I tell you the goals of this week:
1.) Stop pretending to like people and tell them that you hate them.
2.) Stop trying to tell yourself that people like you, and tell THEM you hate them.
3.) Stop obsessing over worthless pieces of bitches.
4.) Start knocking heads if anyone looks at you funny.

And there are my goals of the week, maybe even for two weeks. I don't know if I'm going to complete all of those. And my plans for the week:
1.) Sometime during the week, go with mom down to Party City to get some shit for Halloween.
2.) Get a pumpkin.
3.) Do all of my homework... (Hah, seems like a no-brainer, riht?)
4.) Go tanning so I don't look like a little pale freak anymore. (Not like that isn't cool or anything.)

And that is just about it. Pretty worthless right? Well, I don't think so. I think that those are pretty cool things to do. And if you disagree, I'm going to beat the SHIT out of you. Hehe Haha. Neh Neh Neh. Bitches.

I think I am going to go, I'm missing Forrest Gump. It's all your fault, I have to kill my brother now. I hate him. I'll see all of you wonderful people in school, and hopefully you are not the one I want to kill, that would suck wouldn't it? :D
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