Wow, I haven't written in a really really long time. And I just realized that I have stories. I'm just always so busy injecting my brain with nothing but chemistry for the past 4 days. I'll have to get used to it for the next 3 years though. Oh well. Anyway...
Like 2 weeks aog, I'm standing at the bus stop after all my classes are over and I was just watching people like I often do. And then, I happened to notice one person who stood was a normal looking frat boy who was dressed up so I assumed he was going to some stupid frat thing. But what caught my eye was what he was carrying. He was just walking across campus, acting normally, with one of those giant checks like you get from Ed McMann. I was like....oh, he must have won like $500 or something. But wait, I looked more closely and saw that it was from Food Lion...for $1,000,000!!!!!!!!!! He was just walking around with a million freaking dollars! If that was me, carrying that much money, I would be running through the center of campus, pants-less, screaming like a tree monkey so everyone would know it. People just don't know how to handle themselves.
Okay, I'm not usually blatently mean to people or talk about them behind their back...but there is this guy in my Chemistry class who reeks like nobody's business...AND HE ALWAYS SITS BY ME!!! No matter where I go, he always walks in late and sits right beside me. The first time I thought it was a one day thing, but no, he smells everyday. This isn't just a normal bad BO smell, I'm talking the most horrible garlic stench you can imagine. It's so bad I can't even breath, I have to lean way over and suck in a big breath and hope that it lasts me while. I'm not even joking, how am I supposed to concentrate on Chemistry when I feel like I'm trying to survive the gas chamber? I don't want to say anything to him but in my head I daydream about standing up in the middle of class and yelling
"Hey, you know what? You smell horribly bad and I can't live with it anymore! I have to breath, for god's sake, I just have to breath!"
If it happens again, I think I will do that, and then run from the room cackling and drooling, just to top off the crazy.
OK, now it's picture time! Make up your own story to go along with it and then post it for me so I can have a laugh.
UUUUGGGGHHHHH! After typing the smelly boy story, I can smell the freaking garlic! Just thinking about it makes me choke!!!