First Post in 5 Months, and it is a preset thingy. HAHA

Sep 21, 2005 08:18

LJ Interests meme results

  1. bubble baths:
    Who doesn't love bubble baths? One day I want to own a house where the length of my tub is not determined by the width of my bathroom. THEN I will truly have a good bubble bath.
  2. cologne:
    I really only liked one kind of cologne and it is discontinued. Gap Blue was the best smelling cologne in the world and now it's gone, gone forever.
  3. face touching:
    This is really me liking to touch Kellen's face. I don't know why, I just like to hold it in my hands.
  4. japanese:
    Everyone who's anyone knows me. And everyone who knows me knows that I love Japanese. Even though that class is hard as jawbreakers, it still continues to be my favorite class.
  5. magazine quizzes:
    These aren't as good as they used to be. I haven't seen a magazine quiz quite like "Determine Your Best Mate by your Favorite Flavor of Ice Cream and Shoe Size" since I was in middle school sneaking to read Seventeen magazine in the school library BEFORE I was 17.
  6. musicals:
    I am a closet musical fan. My deepest dream is actually to be in a musical before I die. And not just in the chorus, like for real a lead role singing my heart out on stage for an audience whilst dancing and acting at the same time. I am not kidding.
  7. pilates:
    I do enjoy pilates, but I think I need to be in a class because Maury Winsor on a DVD that I can stop and walk away from at any time just doesn't seem like enough motivation.
  8. red hots:
    My favorite candy ever. I could eat TONS of these, and not just on Valentines Day, all year long. They are like heaven in a little, red, chewy, spicy, delicious package.
  9. sisters:
    I LOVE MY SISTERS! Seriously, best friends ever. I love you Erin and Angela!!!
  10. sweatshirts:
    Hooded sweatshirts are my most favorite thing to wear. Not big ghetto I-could-be-hiding-anything-even-a-pregger-belly-under-here kind of sweatshirts, but ones that fit correctly and have a small neck opening so that you can sit down and burrow your face into the mound of hood. It is a very nice feeling.

Enter your LJ user name, and 10 interests will be selected from your interest list.

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