Feb 03, 2006 20:46
*pro choice for life
Rhode Island Dept. of Child, Youth, & Family case ..93,195 is routing through the trash
when a voice from above
lands on his skull like a brick
"that's disgusting, don't you care what your mother would think?"
'no', i never knew her,
but i do remember the way
my first foster dad's chin
collapsed in the middle of my back
every time he was finished,
the feel of sweaty stubble
on my spine in the darkness
i could not say how many post midnight visits
he made to my room before my case worker... (SNAP)
93,195 is moved like trash
with all worldly possessions in a Glad Bag
now he shares a room with two foster brothers,
who alternate secret touch time
whenever his new parents are away
often one right after the other,
and it goes on for years
all this before his 10th birthday
by age thirteen, 93,195 has violated 3 foster sisters
and one young neighbor, he did not choose this;
while america spends billions to photograph mars
and flex military bases like biceps around the globe
the war on terror is being lost in foster bedrooms
from oakland to providence; there are millions of cases
before predators contracted by the state,
like hiring bandits to guard bank safes,
like doctors without degrees,
like calling yourself Pro Life
without ever having fostered, adopted, or big sistered a child
how is it that you have a direct line
tuned to every womb on the planet,
but remain deaf to what is screaming on the outside?
how can there be so many crusaders on both sides of the line
only willing to fight for fractions?
PRO CHOICE but never chose to vote
or broke a sweat to advocate for child services PRO LIFE but never protected
life by volunteering at a women & children's shelter
... never considered adopting
before we made more;
is it possible for us to cherish
what does not mirror our image?
This is a an open plea
to a massive yet apathetic pro-choice shadow army
slumbering under canopies of comfortable;
our hands are not so clean
and to my pre-emptive pro life president,
his masters, followers, and every body in between;
my kind of people do not seem valuable to your god
and to ones so young and defenseless
a foster father who cannot keep his hands to himself
is a terrorist beyond your ability to measure
for the sake of case 93,195
and every young prisoner of this war
with no voice and broken light
my name is jared paul
and i am pro Choice For Life.
if you post bulletins on myspace telling people why abortion is wrong and should be done away with. . . you fucking take care of the children that are born into lives they could not possibly make due with. With parents that do not have the means to take care of them financially or emotionally. And the children that are adopted and raped by the sick fucks who adopt them, and the kids who go from home to home to home to home without ever having a chance to know what stability is, or feeling the nessecity to make friends because thay won't know them in a week anyway.
When people have sex they should be responsable for what they do, but the lives that COULD exist should not pay for those mistakes. . . . if you are against someone having the choice to not force something into a life it doesnt deserve to froced in to, the you doo NOT use condoms, because that my friend is abortion earlier in the game
sorry my rant is over