so love me gently with a chainsaw <3

Dec 26, 2004 15:58

hello you fruits wuts up ? im bord and pissed off..okay my day was boring..i woke up and layed in bed for 5 hours..then got up and played vidoe games..then ate some candy and a piece of cheese so rad..then got rede to go to walmart..went there and saw my cousin jamie and her boyfriend..i heart her..and i took back my fone..and got $5 dollars for it even tho it was $15 wtf ?..then got in a fite with every1 in my dad got pissed off at me caz i didnt want a fone with caller id caz i dont have caller id on my line and so i yelled at mom got pissed off at me caz i got my dad pissed off so i yelled at brother and sister were just being annoying so i yelled at them..and i didnt get a fuckin fone..i was like wtf am i supposed to call ppl on ? it sux..then my mom and dad got in a pleasant every1 is today ?..ugh i wanna have a sleepover with some1 caz i dont wanna be here..worse i dont wanna be here uhh ya..i wanna make a new screename probably something about not sure yet..soo uhh ya.. ill update later..comment pleez.. byes

You are totally miserable... you always try to look
at the bright side even though horrible things
happen to you... poor you! and you must be SO
nice! Probably everyone feels sorry for you...

How miserable are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

1) First of all, how old are you?
2) Do you believe in reincarnation?
3) Would you rather be deaf or blind?
4) If you found out your best friend was gay/lesbian, what would you do?
uhh freak out..then be like okay
5) Do you consider yourself a good listener?
wen i wanna be
6) Would you rather be short or tall?
7) Would you rather be overly happy and poor, or overly wealthy and
overly wealthy and happy
8) Would you consider your relationship with your parents bad, okay,
9) Do you like to dance?
10) Are you shy to ask someone out?
hell ya
11) Do you like to talk on the phone?
depends with whoo ?
12) Would you rather go on a walk or watch tv?
go on a walk
13) What's your dream honeymoon place?
italy =]
14) What would be the first thing you'd change about yourself?
uhh too many things to say
15) Do you think boys or girls have it easier?
16) If you had a round-trip ride in any time machine, where would you go?
back to some point in my life =[
17) If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
lmao that wood be the best i wood go everywhere im not supposed to be and spy on ppl i noe
18) Do you like Adidas, Nike, Fila, or Reebok [or any other brand]?
not any of those but dcs vans ethnies dvs and some more
19) If you could change your name, what would it be?
i woodnt change my name to be honest i like allison
20) If you were in a theater and someone was crying, would you laugh?
ya lmao
21) Have you ever thought you were going to die?
22) What's the hardest thing about growing up?
23) Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Would you ever?
24) What little unknown talents do you possess?
i dunno
25) Would you eat a bowl of live crickets for $40,000?
26) If this Saturday, you could do ANYTHING you wanted, what would
you do?
christmas with my friends
27) What's the worst word(s) you know?
uh i dunno
28) If there would be one thing about yourself that you could change,
what would it be?
didnt we alrede go throught this ?
29) Have you ever wanted to run away? Run where?
yes..far away
30) What's your worst fear?
brats dolls aliens ghosts booh bahs lmao and other things
31) What is your dream car?
pink and black corvette
32) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
yes =]
33) Have you ever felt you were in love? was a lie tho =[
34) If you were stranded on a deserted island with one person, who would
it be?
uhh not telling
35) What is your favorite color?
black and pink
36) What guy/girl do you want more than anyone else?
not telling
37) If you could be any animal what would you be?
38) What is your favorite gum?
orbit blue kind
39) How do you eat an Oreo?
take it apart and eat the filling
40) Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork?
41) Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
42) If you could do anything to the person you hated most what would it
kill them but no body noeing i did it =]

her name is ♥allison♥
she has nobody to love her
comment bitches =]
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