Yet another...

Aug 05, 2006 02:42

This survey is actually kinda cool.

You see a guy in combat boots and a trenchcoat in a NIN shirt.

1. What would you think of him: He's gonna shoot up a school/he reminds me of the guys who shot up Columbine
2. Would you talk to him: Probably not, unless he talked to me first. Even then, it would more than likely only be because I wouldn't wanna be rude and not answer him.
3. What do you think he'd be into: NIN

You see a girl wearing a tight pink tank top with no bra. Her body does not appear to have an ounce of fat on it. Her skin is perfect and her hair is bleached.

1. Is she naughty or nice: Total whore.
2. Is she a bitch: Definitely.
3. She looks sad. Do you ask her what's wrong: No.

You see a guy with slicked back greasy hair. His pals call him Joey and he sounds thickly Italian. He seems kinda hard. He offers to take you out for ice cream.

1. Do you go: Nope.. I'd rather not date a potential mobster.
2. Do you offer to pay: No, and it wouldn't matter, because I wouldn't have gone with him.
3. What do you think of him: Not cute.. not my type. Appears cocky, and way too sure of himself. Confidence is good, arrogance isn't.

You see a girl who is slightly chubby and smiling. Her clothes are loud but tasteful with a lot of red and she is wearing sunglasses. She drops something but doesn't notice.

1. Do you pick it up and keep it or do you give it back or do you leave it there: Pick it up and give it back to her.
2. What do you think of her: She's probably cute, and she looks happy with herself which is really awesome. I'm guessing she knows she doesn't have to be skinny to be pretty.
3. Would you talk to her: Definitely.

You see a guy who is short and thin with a large Jewish looking nose. His curly hair is out of control and his personality is funny and witty and charming. He's really smooth about asking for your number since you are in the same class.

1. Do you give it to him: No.. sorry, he wouldn't be my type. I don't like hair on boys, especially curly hair.
2. Do you wait anxiously for him to call: Not at all.
3. What do you think of him: Not my type, but I could see myself being friends with him.

You see a British guy sitting next to you. He has blonde hair with one blue eye and one brown eye. He is dressed rather conservatively and has very bad teeth.

1. If he doesn't talk to you first, do you ask about his eyes: No, because if it's something weird, I feel uncomfortable.
2. What do you think of him: He reminds me of some crazy guy.
3. Do you stare at his teeth: No, I'd find it gross and look away.

You see a dark haired girl who is tall and rather large wearing a Korn tshirt. She seems loud and apparently likes to talk to strangers. She comes over to you and tells you 'I loved you in the wizard of Oz'.

1. What do you say: I wouldn't say anything, I'd probably end up punching her in the fucking mouth for being such a douchebag. If I wasn't so angry that day, it'd be more like, "Shut the fuck up and take your loud ass somewhere else you stupid cunt."
2. Could you become friends with this person: Never.
3. What do you think of her: I hate her. Loud, obnoxious people who think they're rebels because they say something like that annoy the FUCK out of me.

You see a dark haired Spanish guy with a spikey hair, a torn t shirt, and jeans bouncing around to a Clash song.

1. Do you bounce around near him: Sure, why not?
2. What do you think of him: He may be cool.. we'll see.
3. He says, 'Te amo.' you say: "I don't understand what the hell you just said."

You see a short girl who is thin, well endowed and has long blonde hair. She is wearing a black skirt and a royal blue tank top. She has blue eyes.

1. Is she someone you would talk to: Depends on if she looks like a bitch or approachable.
2. What do you think of her: Not really sure.
3. She tells you that her living room coffee table is a coffin and locked up in the coffin are guns. What do you say: Wow, you're a liar.

You see a tall, bone-thin Asian guy with brown hair and eyes. He's wearing sandals, jeans, and a green t-shirt. He has 'made in korea' and a Korean flag tattooed on his arm.

1. What do you think of him: What a loser. And I HATE GUYS WHO WEAR SANDALS. It's repulsive.
2. You see him making something out of tinfoil. Why would he be doing that: I don't care.
3. What do you think when he tells you he's from texas: Stay in your own country then, yeah? Haha.

You see a tiny blonde girl with a small chest. She has a low raspy voice and her t shirt is tied up to reveal her belly. She is wearing roller blades and short shorts.

1. Is she someone you would walk up and talk to: Nope.
2. What do you think of her: Put some more clothes on.
3. What do you say when she tells you she's bisexual: I don't really care.

You see a very tall guy with shoulder legnth black hair. He has a pretty face and deep brown eyes. His body is well muscled and he's wearing black long pants, black boots, a black button down shirt and a black cowboy hat. He is also wearing a belt with bullets.

1. What do you think of him: Get rid of the cowboy shit and you might be okay looking :D
2. What do you say when he tells you he's into 'golf': That's cool....
3. What do you say when he tells you he's thirty: Why are you talking to me?!
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