Sep 12, 2004 18:20
it is so weird. the first weekend of the school year. we should be celebratin! or shouldnt we? no matter what we have to get back to reality... we are now in a new school year! well anyways. what i did this weekend. friday i hung out wid Tanya all nite. we played sum tennis wid her sistuer nd her otur friend. we were supose ;) to be workin on our speeches but blah. we didnt! we laughed thats good. we also jumped off swingz. Saturday i was wid rachel all day nd nite! i did acro wid her lil sis! yay! we learned sum new trickz! lolz! nd we watched tv nd stuff! then sunday (today) hung around the house nd i planned my b-day nd went shoppin wid my mom! so then i went for a HUGE bike ride! nd then i did sum home work nd watched tv nd then im here! so ill be goen now.
p.s. i might close my journal... no one reads it :(