so i totally forgot about this thing til now right? lol i do have another one i just use to make movie lists or stuff to watch but man sitting here yes still on the almighty mac well ok this mac has its issues and its time to upgrade! i will once i get my tax returns next year xD
anyway so whats new in my crazy life for all who have stumbled upon this entry? well i don't dye my hair no more and never will again just because i feel when i did i was being experimental and also i had issues with sniffing markers, nail polish (also putting it on my nails...only black), white out etc and the occasional "whip its" you know when you inhale the i think it's CO2 or something from the whip cream cans? yea once i saw that thing about steve-o almost dying i was like fuck that i'm done with i smoke cigs, weed once in awhile not as much as i used to and drink every few weekends because i am now a party rocker \m/
so i'm still working at this locksmith place and i've been there since april...almost a year sweet.
so i got this youtube show now no its not me making a complete fool out of myself after sniffing markers and overdosing on caffeinated beverages...although i do get drunk lol its called party rockers yes the name is from the group LMFAO and no i'm not a huge fan just like a few songs but joey loves them...anyway the link: yeah its awesome we are trying to get on tv so i could goto full sail college or something at least to get into a music production career or something...
yeah i did a lot of stupid shit in my "dark past" hint hint that was a song well ok freestyle i made and i kinda wish i could go an rewrite parts of it but anyway i did some crazy shit and hate it and it still bugs me but it's mostly behind me now and i caused any pain in your life i'm am sorry and hope you have moved on as well...
to anyone who still wants to judge or label me fuck you i listen to whatever i want wear whatever i want and yeah woo woo woo you know it! i still listen to metal although i don't keep up with the new stuff as much mostly any genre i don't really keep up with the new stuff i kinda let it find me and if i like it they get on cds and thats the bottom line because samster said so...
man i think it's kinda silly i mean like i was looking real quick through some of my entries and i used to obsess over this girl...well we don't talk no more because i'm an asshole...not going to go into details but i guess i got selfish and blind and stupid...although it did bug me when she came back from florida to visit even though we talked on the phone she never got to chill with me...well i'm officially a creep to her forever thanks a lot sam you fucked it up with another one...
oh yeah theres this redheaded girl from years ago where i could've had a great relationship with but no i choose my ex like an idiiot like wtf man i made the whole situation into a love triangle or at least thats how it seemed to be in my fucked up head and i could've went with the new girl who actually wanted me but no i went to the ex that moved on...sorry
next gf i get (ha if that happens with my luck...) i want a real relationship no bs drama and people getting involved no trust issues just plain and simple love and know like a girl whos like 5'1-5'5 kinda thin but not a stick, smokes weed, drinks beer, is into video games, likes the same movies and music...well i don't thing this girl exists well not in long island and if they do they are hidden...not on any dating sites...>.< yes i am on a few... i mean hey i wanted to meet someone real special (lol) from out of town...hasn't happened recently...
hmm random ranting...i could get into this type of thing...funny thing was i was going to smoke some greenery and play some wii homebrew yeah i know about that got it all hooked up nahhhh meannn...but meh its 1:49am and i might have work tomorrow thats if my boss says it's not too slow meaning no one is calling in...
yo josh!? i think i found him on here once hes really gone mia for reals i mean like this guy was my homedog back in the day and i've been looking for this guy on fb and myspace googled his name mad times hes really gone...i have this feeling he smokes bud and it would kickass to just have j and laugh at the stupid things we used to do and what we've done with our lives since...
duff?? not like this guy is on this site...i dunno man i knew you since 2003 we been chillin for years and starting this year hes become kinda distant...i have no clue why maybe he's just bored of the same old shit or he's got "cooler" friends now i mean i see him once in awhile but i mean this dude used to hit me up every week or so to chill now its like i gotta chase after him...honestly man if you find this smokin at your house isn't what it used to be it got stale boring and lame...last time this guy was on his computer and it was like i wasn't even there...when we drink i feel like he's himself but i dunno the guy is kinda strange like theres something i don't know? tell me? we had crazy times together and i'm thankful for them now come on man just take the flatscreen tv i've been trying to give to you...if we don't chill after that its w/e man i'm getting tired of chasing after you...
so yeah thought i would just type shit not like anyone still goes on this lol...i need a time machine just to go back in time to certain days and just kick my past self's ass...k thx bye
peace peace