Nov 13, 2004 22:02
i'm feeling depressed now bout kristine no matter wat i fucking do i'll never ever get to go out with her...god now my life seems very pointless i feeling amillion things all at once i'm ok i'm mad i'm fustraited(fuck spelling) i'm tired i'm sad i'm LONLEY theres no cure for it is there no one is gunna step up and save me...kristine is the only person who i get happy over and i get sad over its not her fault its all mine for loving her god why do i get hurt for following my heart i decide to listine to the inner me and follow my own advice and i get torn up to shreds y does love have to hurt soo much i hate being soo lonley but theres girls whod go out with me but all i wanted was kristine and shes nvr gunna give me a chance everything i try i suck at i'm a complete failure...shit i hate my life...i'm sittin here past my bed time yes my parents make goto bed sooo fucking early but i'm waiting for my ex sam g and shes still now on if she forgives me i might be the only thing that could save me i need a miracle and not a fake one or a "i'll do it to be nice" one i need a real one dought that will happen...oh yea daniela broke up with alicia but me and them r going to rock lobster and i asked kristine to come but now i dont think i want her there cuz my mind and heart cant handle her no more jeeze i dont wanna goto 4th period but then i do cuz kristine is cool as a friend yet i hurt myself over her sooo much i'm dying but at least kiri and sam r there too and baron and andrew if it wasnt for them id prob kill myself..oh yeah i had to change my sn cuz of kx and i dont wanna get into that now...XWA is over and EWE will start everthing new and i was gunna keep kristine as the womans champ but theres soo much on my mind and i'm soo emotionally fucked up i could smoke or sumthin even thou i hate that shit