When there is nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire.

Sep 27, 2006 00:45

I haven't written in here for quite some time. All right. I might as well summarize what's been the haps in my life. I'm going to use slang like "haps" quite often, so bear with me, pleases.
All right. Back in school. Sucks ass. I hate school so much it hurts. It was a pretty uneventful and boring summer, but it was better than having to sit through six and a half hours in a burning hot building while Witt tells you that you aren't doing your work right and Cooke makes you write yet another pointless essay. Whatevs. I'm upset. It's the every other year thing that my life has going on. Last year was hellafine. I loved it. So, this year will suck massive balls and I will hate it. Same with my school picture. This year's will suck, but my senior picture will be good. This also applies to musicals, but I don't see how next year's can be good since we're losing all of our guys basically. Sigh. Life is les miserables. I miss that.
So what's been going on with me lately, you ask? Um, nothing much really. Dance is two nights a week now. Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 7-9 both. Jazz and hip hop one night, ballet and tap the next. Whatevs. I deal. We're doing Romeo and Juliet for the fall play. I got the Nurse. Wow. I don't know how in hell this happened. Pigs must have started flying when Ms. Peters was casting the show. I'm nervous. AGHDFNBDGFKGKJSF. Let's hope that practices are fun fun.
Anything else? Oh yes. I bought Stella on DVD so my life is complete. Adding to the completeness, Degrassi premieres this weekend, and Faire on the Square is this weekend as well. Yes times a million.
Oh, and my computer decided that it wants to start working again. No complaints here. I'll take it rather than leave it. OH HO HO HO.
I've been so cool this entire entry. My wording is awesome. Oh, on Friday, we went to Mt. Auburn Cemetery for a field trip for photo. It was so unbelievably fun. What a good Friday. We went to Harvard Sq. and Felipe's. Best day, best day.
My computer won't let me download limewire. I'm upset by this. I need it. I need it. I need it. Oh well. I guess I'll learn how to deal somehow.
Um, I completely more than half-assed my Harry homework. That cute man will have to deal as well.
Did I ever write down my accurate schedule? Since I have nothing better to do (other than sleep, that is) I'll do it now.
1)World History Honors - Buck
2)AP Writing and Composition - Cooke
3)Photo II - Dressler/Gym - Fratto
4)Chemistry L1 - Wittenhagen
5)Spanish IV Honors - Henry (umm umm umm)
6)Study - Dressler/Passegio/Writing Workshop - McCourt
Float)Pre-Cal L1 - Harrington

Yeah, so that was way less than interesting. I should blow dry my hair. I have to be able to wake up tomorrow. I feel like that doesn't matter though, seeing as how I've gone to bed later than this and woken up pretty early. I feel like I'm only making sense to myself, so I might as well bid you all (both of you) farewell.
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