There once was a womaaaaaaan, who loved a maaaaaaan

Mar 13, 2005 01:39

"Look! I'm a pancake person!"

Heh. Good times.

Blah blah. When did I last update? I can barely recall. Oh yeah. I left off on Wednesday.

Well, Wednesday we ended up having school, despite the massive amounts of snow. Sigh. I'm sure we must have done something that was interesting, but I'm too tired to remember. Practice until 10:45 that night. Good times. It's called I avoided my homework completely, because I cared that much.

Thursday was opening night of The Pajama Game. Good times. It went well, better than I thought. Gosh. I got home at like 10:30 or something. That's quite early compared to the rest of the week. Once again, I ignored the fact that I had homework. Sigh. Too much.

Friday. I was COMPLETELY drained and could barely stay awake because I was so tired. So, first period was a sub. I slept the entire time. Second period was chorus, and Wulfie just let us rest our eyes if we wanted, meaning I slept. I told Gus I didn't want to learn and I would rather sleep, and he said I was free to fall asleep during the slide show he was showing. Score, I say. I slept the entire period. Sigh. It felt good. Then I had lunch and the rest of the day I was awake and blah blah blah. Last night was the second night of the show and it went well again. We did Time Study perfectly, basically. Except that me and Aine were laughing for no reason. Aside from that, it was good. Afterwards, we all went to IHOP for our cast thingy. Mindy showed up. She should die. God, it was hilarious. They didn't give Aine her smiley face pancakes, so she spazzed and smashed them and the whipped cream flew everywhere. And Caitlyn was playing with her pancakes and putting htem on her face. Gosh, it was funny. Everyone was singing and fun happened.

Today. Burp. I woke up at 2 and went to Lau's house so she could curl my hair. We got to the school about an hour late (good times), but it was okay. We had enough time. The play went very well and Daniela did her little scuttle, which made everything better. And I scuttled in my bow, which just made things wonderful. Heh. Afterwards, we all went to the cast party at Allie's house. Almost everyone went into one room, except for me, Aine, Daniela (our queen), Lau, Mike, Marla and Connor. We sat outside on the floor and just talked. It was hilarious. Aine was having spasms and freaking out and we laughed so much. We just stayed out there the whole time, until we all left but Daniela and Connor, which is when they joined the rest of the group. Blah blah.

Sigh. The turnouts for the show were good, I suppose. Thursday was pretty bad. I mean, it was a Thursday. And the audience was like, dead-pan. Sigh. Friday was a good turnout and the audience was better. Same as tonight, basically. Sigh. Good times. Donato came last night. Yay. He's hairy.

Goooddddd. So much homework. 4 sections of history to read, 7 chapters of Lord of the Flies to read, a Spanish project due. I'm dead. I pray my mom will let me miss Monday or something. I would give so much for that.

My arm hurts. And there's like, 3 kudos wrappers around me. Hehe. I'm so fun.
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