>>I'll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake<<

Jul 12, 2005 17:43

Okay..SO much has happened since my last update. That it would take me all night to type it. And I really dont think everyone would want to read an entry that long. So I am just going to give an short summery. Well For that past like 3 weeks I have been speding most all of my time with Quinn, Megan and Cassie. Which I have absoultly no problem with because I love them so much. A lot of shit has happened within those three weeks, some really awesome, some not so awesome. But I geuss that's what makes summer summer. Sideone was here for a little over a week, and sicne Quinn is one of my best friends ever, and Mark is her brother I pretty much lived with him. The first day they were here was so amazing. It will probably be the best day out of the entire summer. But all good things come to an end, and this end was Sunday. Mark and Adam headed back to Florida, and it was probably one of the saddest things ever. Quinn, Megan and I must have cried for a half an hour to The Starting Line. They wont be back until Christmas, and those 5 months are going to be a long wait. But I guess the time will just make seeing them even better..

I don't understand how people could put one person who they haven't even known for a year above their best friends who has stuck with them through everything and always been there. It just doesn't make any sence to me. Yes, I do undserstand that when you love someone, you love them. And usually you can't help it, because you can't help your feelings. Anyone who's anyone should know that. And if you don't know that, well then you're an idiot, sorry.

I am looking forward to the rest of the summer. From what I have in mind it should be amazing. So lets just hope things go the way I plan. If they don't, then I don't know what I'm going to do. Because by the time school comes around, I will probably just be wanting to die.

AND ALSO: Kim went to Maine with Joleen for the week and she won't be back until Friday. I have no idea what I'm going to do until then. I'm suprised I have amde it this far. Although me and kim aren't as close as we used to be, and we have both went out sperate ways in High School, she is still the only one that can seem so make me feel so much better.

Well I geuss I'm finished, I have to hurry up because Quinn doesn't know anything of patience♥.
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