Nov 04, 2004 20:41
ok i know i updated today but now i need to post my political views. ive been meaning to do this anyway, espically after what happened 2 days ago. I was convinced that the american people could see through the lies of the Bush regime but apparently your all too blind, or maybe you just love to feed on political lies and bullshit. I cant blame you though, I see that the infinite mind sapping BULLSHIT lies have infected your judgment. I mean honestly who in their right mind would vote for a man who throws his own people into a war that I know most people do not support. Wanna know how i know that we arent in Iraq for liberation. Heres a few examples. When we first invaded what were the first buildings we placed guards at?
A. Nuclear Plants
B. Stockholds
C. Oil Refineries
D. Science Labs
Anyone in their right mind would have chosen A B or D. But of course we have the idiot son of an asshole who wants nothing but OIL for their country so we guarded the oil refineries. thats right, so while we were looking for WMD's we were really looking for OIL. its so disgustingly obvious. did anyone find anything interesting about "Operation Iraqi Liberation"? check out the initals. OIL. yep. but hey whatever i cant judge his whole term on oil can I? no, thats biased. so heres a small list of other things bush has done, or plans on doing in the next 4 years which will undoubtbly be the end of us all. He wants to invade Vietnam becuase they have WMD's (you know cuz we were SUPPOSED to go to Vietnam back in the 70's, oh and they have WMD's just like Iraq), tax cuts for the 1% of rich people, thats right, you know like a lot of his friends from ENRON, and his close buddies in the oil industry, he wants to reinstate the Draft, so anyone whos about my age guess what? we get to go fight and die in Iraq and soon Vietnam. Wanna know a little more? course u do. Bush who was drafted to the coast guard during HIS Vietnam. But did he go? No of course not, he has diplomatic immunity cuz good old daddy bailed him out. Oh hey did u know that if any of us NORMAL american citizens decided to skip the draft for 2 years we'd be in prison? thats right its a federal offense. not that it matters to Bush. Ok lets talk about Abortion. He is against abortion because its "taking the lives" of unborn children, which we all know could also be a great help with Stem Cell research. Now why is he so against this? Let me tell you, because he has found Jesus. Hey Georgy did anyone ever tell you about the Seperation of Church and State? I guess you missed that history lesson because your only a C graduate from Yale right? Oh yea and if your so anti-fucking death why is it that it was YOU who presided over the death of 152 so called 'criminals' while you were governer of Texas? because it was effective you say? NO SHIT THEIR FUCKING DEAD. so to all of you blind fuckin republican bastards i have this to say to you:
Thank you for killing myself, and my generation. We will all die becuase you, YOU, couldnt see the fucking truth.
To anyone who tried to stop the Prince of Lies (i say prince because we all know his daddy was and still is King) i thank you.
Now and forever, Down With The Bush Regime