May 21, 2006 13:43
So this weekend has been okay.
Friday was fab. Had a Music exam, think it went okay. after the music exam I sat in the cafeteria and spoke to Anna, Shibhan and Denes for a while they went away to their exam and I came home and done some revision.
Went back along for my Maths exam, I'm not sure how that went, I hope I done good. Sat outside the assembly hall for a while. Hannah and Jan came back to mine and I got my stuff.
Got the bus into Edinburgh, found out I had forgotten my purse so I never bought any food. Sat in the train station and bantered, met Nicky and then Nicola, Martin, Lewis and Rachel. Started walking along to Studio 24 and met Innes, Reekie and Adrian. Me, Jan and Hannah walked further ahead and Hannah farted and then said "the folk behind me are gonna get a right good whiff eh that one!" lmao.
Went into studio 24 and then we decided to start playing football witha bit of tape on the floor. First band came on and we started dancing like idiots. Me and Lewis kept doing the gay sign, lmao. Danced some more then went and sat down for a while. Started taking pictures and then Lewis gave Hannah and Jan's piggy backs. Danced some more and we done fancy footwork !!
Went down the front for when One Eye Open played and held up banners. I had Nicky's Scottish Candidate Number card stuck to my chest and she had mines stuck on hers. Danced some more then went and sat down for a while. They done 'Fuck Her Gently' it was amazing. In between every song, me, Hannah and Jan just kept screaming "helmet Head and "mascot" haha. Played another wee game of football with the tape and with empty cans but we kept losing it. Jan and Hannah made up a dance routine to 'Swept Away'.
After it finished, me, Hannah, Jan, Bruce and Alice stood outside for agges listening to the music on Jan's speakers. We started singing 'All The Small Things' and then realised the other John was behind us, lmao.
Walked along to the station and got a Burger King =D Me and Jan were pissing ourselves in Burger King 'cause some guy kept screaming easy, easy and clapping his hands.
Bantered for a while on the benches, Alice was gonna sit on Bruce's knee but said she was "heavier than a strawberry". Bantered with Lexi for a while 'cause he remembered us.
Got made to go and get tickets and then went up to the platform, got the train, had some funny banter on the train. Went back to Hannah's, her dad ran over a badger. Watched 'Friends' for agges. Jan drew a picture of the night and we bantered. Hannah fell asleep and me and Jan lay talking til like half four , was good.
Woke up, sat on the computer then got ready. Came back to mine to get my purse and dump stuff off. Went and met Beeny at the bus stop and got the bus. Had some fun banter on the bus with Steve about lube and super glue. Got in there and went to McDonald's. Sat in the for agges talking.
Went to Cabaret with Beeny, Hannah and Jan. Listened to music on the speakers again. Hannah bought amazing pink leopard skin shoes. Went and sat in the gardens for a while and we just sat and bantered while listening to music again.
Went to the train station, met Bruce, Alice and Aaron. Stood talkking to them for a while. Sat outside so they could smoke. Went inside and sat and talked to Anna and everone in Burger King.
We left for the mission. Mission was quite crappy. Adam was there, which was rather amusing. He called me and Jan gay. Danced for a while. Conor came over and spoke to us and whacked me and then I made him apologise, haha. Sat down for agges because it was crap. Conor came over and sat next to me and started poking me in the stomach and then saying he was only there to harass me, he ran away though 'cause they were playing a song he liked.
Got the bus early. Bus broke down so Jan's dad came and picked us up. Gave me an dHannah a lift back here and me and Hannah sat and spoke for a while. Her dad came and picked he upa nd sat online for a while and then went to my bed 'cause I was shattered.
Just woke up a while ago and I don't think I'm doing anything today.
That was quite a big update, I'll be surprised if you read it all lol.