Mar 16, 2005 20:09
i'm not even going to lie.
my new layout is banging! thanks to the wonderous help of miss lauren kennedy white. i love her beyond belief.
let's see, otherwise, not much has been going on. okay, maybe i'm wrong.
in the past two weeks, i've backed into a parked car at night and i've gotten pulled over and received a warning ticket, making a grand total of my parents taking my license away.
cool, huh?
but before you say, WHOOOOA, let me tell you...i'm not a bad driver. just inexperienced. lol.
eh, things aren't too good right now. could be worse though.
i went to confession and penant service last night. i thought i should be feeling guilt free and high as a kite, but ironically i was really down this morning. as i walked into religion, i found tears were streaming down my face. i have no clue why. i think things just got to me. not about my license, but just everything. you know when you get those feelings? yea. that's it. the ones that make you go, "wow, where's the silver lining?" guess it's just one of those things.
on the not-so-up-side, but better side, softball team doesn't look that bad this year. despite the score of 6-32 against lawrence, we didn't play that bad. and again yesterday against pungo, 4-25. we didn't play that bad. our absolute main problem is we don't have a pitcher. but when the ball is put in play, most of the time, we know what to do. this excites me beyond belief.
i've been slack on homework lately, so i guess it would be wise to consider doing some tonight. off i go!
ps - key club convention was OFF THE HOOK. i had the best roomies and the coolest company all weekend. christina harris rocked out by running for secretary/treasurer. heck effing yea.