Into the darkness...

Jan 29, 2005 22:42

Well...because I forget what I was going to update about...I will just make this short and sweet. I hung out with Ashley all day. We went to the mall, Kmart, Gabs, etc etc. Went to Mels to see how she was doing, Ashley took her some ice cream. Umm...then we went to Shawns to drop off soda. Ended up at Ashleys and ordered Chinese...Ian delivered *gags* Finally I took Ashley to Shawns so she could stay over...and here I am, bored as hell.

I remembered what I was going to update about.

What doesn't make you cool: cutting, whining, bitching, being racist, drinking, bragging about drinking, smoking, bragging about smoking, doing drugs, bragging about doing drugs, extreme diets, suicide attempts, making fun of other people, dressing like a whore, wearing clothes that don't fit you, starting fights, pretending to be who you aren't, listening to pop music, wearing 2 inches of makeup, looking like a whore when you put 2 inchs of makeup on, wearing excessive jewelery, shopping at hot topic, wearing nothing but hot topic clothes, cheating, lying, abuse...I will finish this later. I have better things to do.

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