(no subject)

Sep 05, 2006 15:00

Hmm. So, since I suck so bad at having priorities and all, I'm going to make a "to do" list. (in no particular order of importance)

--Get tickets for the Casualties for me and Chelsea!
--Call Pet Co. about helping out with them for my Animal Rights club.
--Get good at taking pictures for French Club.
--Find a much better job than the one I have now. Possibilites are: Meyers Group, Best Buy, some stores at Discover Mills.
--Get a better work ethic so I can get good grades this year in school, and get into a decent college.
--Retake the SAT.
--Get my liscense. Seriously, I need to do that. Like, soon.
--Take my bike to the bike shop to get the breaks fixed.
--Help John with organizing a Food Not Bombs chapter in Gwinnett.
--Drink more water, and cut down on soda as much as possible. Black Cherry Vanilla coke is pretty adicting...
--Get in a closer relationship with God and turn all my decisions over to Him.
--Limit myself to Taco Bell once every two weeks.
--Write my appeal letter to the retarded mall cops at Mall of Georgia.

I'm sure there's more, but that's the main things I have right now. If anyone would like to hold me to this and help me out, that'd be awesome.
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