(10:47:19 AM) Moi: So I'm driving on the Hutch in the left lane and the speed limit is 50mph.
(10:47:24 AM) Moi: I'm doing 67.
(10:48:27 AM) Moi: This guy behind me in a black Lexus SUV decides that's not fast enough, but there's pretty much a solid wall of cars in the right lane. So instead, clearly on a winding, hilly road, the safest way to handle this situation is to tailgate the person in front of you until you quite seriously are close enough that she can discern that you're a spoiled cuntbag with more money than brains, and your princessy daughter/trophy wife in the passenger seat is VISIBLY SNEERING.
(10:48:59 AM) Moi: So I neither slowed down nor sped up. I set the cruise control to 67 and kept on going. He sped up like he was going to seriously RAM the back of your car.
(10:49:16 AM) Moi: At this point I couldn't go anywhere, cuz as I mentioned, the right lane was full of cars and the road was so winding that I was very uncomfortable even at 67.
(10:50:28 AM) Moi: I sped up a litttttle bit to 70 just to keep some distance between myself and this thing--he was pretty pissed that I, gasp!shock!, left myself four car lengths in between myself and the red car in front of me (who had rudely passed me without a signal and nearly hit me, and then got in front of me, got ahead about a quarter-mile, and was confused that NOT EVERYONE AHEAD OF HIM WAS GOING AS FAST WTF IS THIS SHIT.
(10:50:55 AM) Moi: So the guy in the SUV behind me gets ENRAGED by my lack of compliance with his wishes.
(10:51:28 AM) Moi: The ability to afford a Lexus gas-guzzler CLEARLY imbues you with the magical power to not only completely ignore the speed limit laws, but to threaten, intimidate, and cause very dangerous road conditions.
(10:51:41 AM) Moi: OK!
(10:52:10 AM) Moi: So someone in the right lane gets off the road, and he SHOOTS into the VERY SMALL gap between the other cars, goes around, and manages to JUST BARELY get in front of me--mind, I"m still going about 70--and BRAKE CHECKS ME. Not once, but FOUR TIMES.
(10:52:53 AM) Moi: I sat on the horn until he got tired of this, and he sped away, only to be SHOCKED! SHOCKED I TELL YE! by the fact that the person in front of me (between whom I'd been leaving room, obv.) was...OH MY FUCKING CHRIST going, AMAZINGLY, 70!!!
(10:53:39 AM) Moi: This was the most intentionally dangerous but NOT the most dangerous overall experience I had this morning.
(10:53:47 AM) My Matt!: wow.....
(10:55:09 AM) Moi: The MOST dangerous was the guy behind me (he'd been almost a quarter-mile back when I noticed him) SPED up to me, didn't even SLOW DOWN, and...I shit you absolutely not...RAN the guy next to me INTO THE SHOULDER to get around me, nearly ran the guy in front of that off the road, cut me off, then swerved around the guy in front of me (this was while we were going uphill, so no visibility, around a curve, so even LESS visibility, and SLOWING DOWN because it was what ended up being the last section of traffic). As we crested the hill, I watched him run several other people off the road in his haste to weave through the now-nearly-stopped traffic.
(10:55:41 AM) My Matt!: wow....
(10:55:44 AM) My Matt!: just fucking woww
(10:56:13 AM) Moi: Can I tell you, the MOMENT--the BARE moment--we passed the last Greenwich exit, the traffic thinned to nothing, and as soon as we got into NY, the traffic vanished and people started to drive politely and signal and wait their turn, and no one rode my ass all the way to the bridge?
(10:56:17 AM) Moi: Dead serious.
(10:56:22 AM) Moi: It was like a completely different road.
(10:56:28 AM) My Matt!: wow holy fuck
(10:56:31 AM) Moi: I'm not kidding.
(10:56:35 AM) Moi: They say New Yorkers are rude drivers?
(10:56:47 AM) Moi: Fuck that.
Cuntnecticunts are the biggest assholes.
(10:56:50 AM) Moi: They make Massholes look polite.
That is all.