Jun 30, 2009 23:23

Sweetie's ENGAGED!

Remember "Sweet Cuppin' Cakes" (too lazy to link)? I later outed her as Jodi, my boyfriend's sister.

Well, she's engaged!

She didn't tell me herself, told me she expected Ed (the fiance? The guy who got us into a car accident at Icon?) to do it, then proceeded to argue with me that she thought he told everyone.

She told Tiana, whom she hasn't spoken to since she told Tiana that Tiana's cheating fiance's best friend shouldn't have told Tiana about said cheating because it was "none of his business". Cuz, you know, that's...right. >.<

Anyhow, I basically lambasted Jodi for being engaged. Hell, my first thought was, "Shit, she's pregnant???" because, seriously, she has no other reason to marry Ed except that she's an attention whore.

When she angrily informed me that, yes, people are happy for her, I replied with this gem (congratulate me later):

"You really don't cotton on to things quickly. NO ONE is happy for you but you and Ed. The rest of the world thinks you're making YET ANOTHER gargantuan mistake that you will attempt to make us all look like assholes for not supporting. Matt congratulated you with a freaking QUESTION MARK next to the word, did you think that was a typo? When I heard, my first thought was, oh great, she's PREGNANT? Cuz nice as Ed is, as per things you told me in detail previously, you didn't want to marry him. He's still living with his white trash family, working at Home Depot, no education to speak of. But then again you're living at home too, working crap jobs not in your field despite your thirty thousand dollar a year education so maybe you decided to lower your standards and become just like him, hmm? It's your life, have a ball. You're entitled to marry whom you want, and we're all entitled to laugh and shake our heads. Just like we've BEEN doing for the last year and a half."

So, was I too harsh? LOLOLOLOL.:

jodi's failures

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