saturday* went to daynas all day. that was funnnnnn. we walked to mcedees then to 711. ha. actually white hen and made some new friends.. then back at days we chilled watched the crown video thingy (( my all time fav movie)) and played vball outside then her SEXY bro came home.. o yaaa. we went to toris house for the night then. ergh shes so tan i hate her. that was a fun night. ehh too lazy to write everything we did.
sunday----woke up @ toris then went outside on the trampoline and layed out on the driveway so me day and lauren could TRY and get some color b4 we have to go back to school and see all the tan bitches. newhoo. her dad brought us mcdonalds. and then we went to tori and laurens bball game. ha there was some chick walkin down the street with 2 guys waving to everyone and i was like look at this hoe.. rolled down the window and yelled SLUT!! it was hilairous. during the game me and day drank mountain dooo. i had a lil too much i was kinda slap happy on the way home. me and lauren yelled SLUT to these 2 girls again. then we ewnt to laurens hung out outside and painted our toes and fingers.. oo yeaa. ate a fab. dinner. and then i came home..