Nov 08, 2007 09:29
Ok, so the trip is soon and I cannot wait!!!!! It is so hard to muddle through until I can go...but I can do it! On another note, I hated to have missed WLB's performance last Wednesday. I heard it was great!!! They will also be great in Charlotte this weekend, so if you get the chance to go you should! They are awesome Anyway, I am doing really well these days and I am sometimes enjoying the new dog we received when my FIL passed away. He can be a trial though, he has to be let out at 6AM so he does not have an accident on the carpet or the kitchen floor, but overall he is a good dog. I have made a decision, actually a decision I made three years ago but let lapse somewhat. I am happy and I am going to stay that way. I know, I know there are ups and downs in life, but I am going to try to be more optimistic. I am trying not to let any negativity get me down in my quest for happiness. I think, and I will try to live by this, that every day, no matter how crappy is a blessing somehow. You have to get through some crap in your life to get to the better parts of it. Ok, I know I am on my soapbox, but this is just my humble opinion for myself and no one else. This is just my declaration to myself in writing, so maybe this time around I won't let my promise to myself lapse.Ok, that's it for the day, probably the week. That was a lot ot get out.
Everyone have a groovy day and take care!