Aug 07, 2004 23:43
1. imagining what my funeral would be like if i killed myself
2. gay porn
3. seeing little people on the amazing race...get electrecuted
4. Room Raiders
5. reading people's diarys, like real diary's--not livejournal, idiots.
6. Temptation Island
7. wanting glasses and/or braces
8. peeing in the shower
9. airplane food
10. malt liquor
runners up:
psychics, rating communities, the macarena, rick james (r.i.p.), beanie babies, Amish in The City, etc, etc,
::edit:: ok i though of way more guilty pleasures and got some from the vice guide, and i re thought the list:
the food network, jojo, walmart, telling your mom you're really hut when you're not even bleeding, waking upat 4 p.m. on a weekday, o-town/taped episodes of making the band, popstar magazine, tourists, bactine (smelling it), using a family members credit card online when they leave their wallet out on the table, twins, homework