now,it's been a loooong time...

Jun 20, 2009 20:16

Wow.It's been a REALLY long time,oh my.
I think i just...kinda forgot I had a lj y'
But now,on this cold,saturday night at work (yes,I work on saturday nights and yes,it sucks.)I just decided it was about time for me to bring this lj back to life so here I am.
Another reason that made me really want to post here again is that I started posting on twitter and I got really addicted to it...BUT you can't do big posts on twitter.If you want to,you have to post a lot of little messages and that is really annoying.I wanted to start doing big posts again,rembling and mumbling and complaining about things how I used to.And lj is the perfect place for this!
I absolutely LOVE lj.Even if I disappear for 1 year and a half.Still,I love this bloody thing lol!
I'll keep this (kind of) updated from now on.I'll do my best,I promise. :)


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