Mar 11, 2005 23:29
wondering where my life has gone for the last couple of days made me sit and ponder what was going to toil in the events to come. walking through walmart, looking around at savages of the world, prancing around either thinking they are hot shit or basically wanting to curl up and die. at this exact moment i realized the 300 pound obese lady with the tube top on, and looked away in complete and utter discust. i nudged my friend for him to give a quick glance but he was too busy talking about something that made no sense at all. is this how my life works, when i see something.. do people notice? do people actually care what i see and say? prolly not, but for the same reason i am writing this, i am hoping someone is listening and caring about what i am writing.
i drove with adam down 436 to 50 to dean to a party. a stop in which when i got out noticed the rubberband around my wrist.. how that got there, i completely dont know. between the waking up at 8am for a job that i have not begun to enjoy, to the getting off 20 minutes late because someone didnt show up for their shift, to the endless amounts of breaking that patrick did in his honda civic on the highway. in between all those moments, i sat in the passenger seat.. looking at the filth of a town i call home. i have not rid in a passenger seat in some time during the day light hours, and this was quite interesting for myself. i stared out the window, most of the time not paying attention to the conversation engaging in the car. we arrive at the place where i would discover my luck for life. we arrive at adams parents house, where his brother resides. i go, of course, snooping through all his stuff because he is not home, to find a card written from his friend, a male for that matter. the card minor detailed some stuff that lead me to the conclution that he might be gay. possibly? doubt it. the lack of women in his life might be the factor in this situation, neithertheless i am not going to let this get me down. then it hit me. this is my life. this is what is going on. the smile from adams mothers face gave me a reassuring feeling of sweetness. make sense? prolly not to you.
now: do the non-believers EVER believe? answer that for me. a question that has racked my brain for sometime now. when something doesnt go your way do you automatically blame it on faith?? when someone doesnt like you do you think you are ugly? do you always think everyone is out to get you? do you feel like you are alone in the world and every situation you are going through? >>>>>> if you have ever felt like this, join the club<<<<<<<
tired of feeling sorry for yourself? i advise you to talk to someone who has a life 100x worse that you. ever talk to someone with no legs? ever talk to someone who has 5 months left to live? ever been friends with someone who use to be "normal" and now is mentally handicapped? answer these questions, and then have the BALLS to fucking think you have had a bad day. please dear God have the fucking audacity to make yourself believe your life is bad
come step onto this magic carpet i have layed down for you... bring food, drinks and anything else you would like to bring. im begging you to have fun in your life, dont worry about the small stuff, dont worry about your shitty job, dont worry about what people say about you. complete control of your life... here it is. grab on bitches, we are about to take off.
thank you, if you read that, then enjoy MY words, enjoy being.