Dec 11, 2003 12:42
[current clothes] cargartts, fnb shirt, red hoodie and a courderoy jacket
[current mood] tired
[current music]public enemy
[current taste] nast
[current hair] ponytail
[current annoyance]
[current smell] bad breath
[current thing I ought to be doing] sleeping
[current desktop picture] basquiat painting
[current favorite group] music? ummm i don't know maybe radiohead
[current book you're reading] germinal
[current CD in CD player] bright eyes
[current movie in dvd player] fuck dvds
[current refreshment] distilled water
[current worry] finding a job
last person
[you touched] my mom
[you talked to] my mom
[you hugged] my mom
[you instant messaged] johanna
[you yelled at] jokeingly at seth
[you kissed] gave that shit up. crush free youth. (fuck yah)
[food] something with curry and garlic in it
[drink] raw juice mutha fucker
[color] i don't really have a favorite color i like colors depending on how the look with other colors
[album] um .. ALL THE CRISPY ADDICTS ALBUMS EVER, umm i don't know i really like beck one foot in the grave and mutations
[shoes] two pairs of blue converse one holey and one more holey and then a pair of wingtips
[candy] umm dried ginger and cane sugar mmmmm
[animal] hmm i have no idea anymore it used to be the cheetah
[TV show] monty python and the flying circus re-runs that are shown everyonce in a while on pbs or maybe the daily show
[movie] velvet goldmine
[dance] the prep aka window washing
[song] um .. ALL CRISPY ADDICTS SONGS EVER. umm maybe fourteen rivers fourteen floods by beck
[fruit] mango
[cartoon] simpsons?
are you....
[understanding] yah
[open-minded] yah
[arrogant] sometimes
[insecure] yah
[random] naw
[hungry] as always
[friendly] fsure
[smart] sure
[moody] naw
[childish] naw
[independent] fo sho
[hard working] not really
[organized] no
[healthy] yah
[emotionally stable] yep
[shy] no
[difficult] yep
[attractive] eh
[bored easily] kinda
[messy] yep
[thirsty] sure thang
[responsible] more so then i used to be
[obsessed] no
[angry] yep
[sad] eh
[happy] at times
[hyper] sometimes
[trusting] ehh
[talkative] most of the time
[legal] ick
who do you want to....
[kill] haha i better not answer this one
[slap] too many people
[get really wasted with] colin
[tickle] hallie, loren, sarah, umm well basicly anyone who is ticklish
[kiss] fuck that celebate to the core XfuckxxandxxdieX
[look like] people keep telling me i look like this zach kid