(no subject)

Feb 10, 2002 16:03

1. What is your full name?: nooooo
2. Ruff Ryders or Flip Mode Squad?: who the fuck is flip mod squad?
3. When was the last time you had sex?: blah
4. What color underwear do you have on right now?: blue and white plaid boxers
5. What song are you listening to now?: bright eyes-tereza and thomas
6. What was the last thing that you did?: umm typed something
7. What is right next to you?:umm some cd's and a bowl with the left overs from a speghetti meal
8. What is your computer desk made of?:a wood plank painted green with flowers put over this other desk thing and two cabnit thingys
9. Who was the last person you ate out with?: jessika
11. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: blue
12. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: ummm the middle of a forest
13. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? blah
14. Do you have a lava lamp?: no
15. How many buddies do you have on your list?: 140
17. Have you ever smoked pot? hahaha that shit is for hippies.
18. What color are your sheets?: flowered
19. Last person that you talked to on the phone?: umm my mom
20. Are you a commie-nazi? thats an oxymoran a commie and a nazi are opposites
21. Who do you most admire?: the same thing i keep going blah too.... that and jessika
23. Do you like the person that sent this to you?: i stole it from a jessika's livejournal
24. What is your dream pet?: ummm like 8 dogs
25. How do you eat an Oreo? i dont.
26. Fave M&M none.
27. Dream Car?: an old station wagaon with wood paneling... and 80's conversion van or an old cadillac
28. Favorite Day of the week?: saturdayyy.
29. Perfect Date?: blah
30. Age?: 18
31. Eye Color?: blue
32. Hair color?: shades of browns and blonds
33. Height? 6'3"
34. Do you wear contacts?: no
35. Do you have braces?: no
36. Siblings and their ages?: solo child
37. What school do you attend?: the 'dale
38. Who do you consider to be some of your closest friends: jessika and umm paulie
39. If you could change one thing about you, what would it be?: i don't know...
40. What was the best advice ever given to you and from whom?: n/a
42. Have you ever won any special awards?: not really
44. Favorite food?: indian food or ethiopian
45. Fave movie? umm pi, hi fedelity, being john malkovich and the pee wee herman movies oh and anything by monty python
46. Fave day of year?: none.
47. Fave month?: umm maybe june
48. Fave girls perfume? perfume sukks
49. Favorite Shampoo/Conditioner?: tree oil, its not really a shampoo but i use it as such
50. Fave guys cologne?: cologne sukks
51. What kind of car do you drive?: my feet and the bus.
52. What is your favorite thing to do in the summer?: travel, walk around and do nothing with people i like
53. Do you like to dance?: yep
54. What's your favorite Drink?: umm grape faygo
55. What's your favorite ALCOHOLIC drink?: hot tottie
56. Are you too shy to ask someone out?: yes.
57. If you could change your name, what would it be?: i already have many
59. Do you sleep naked?: occasiona;y
60. Have you ever ran around naked? mos def
61. What is the stupidest thing you've ever done?: got to drunk to walk and had to be carried home to an awaiting mother, um nd eve stupider ones but i'm not mentioning them here
62. What will your first son's name be?: randolf, wolfgang
63. First daughter?: gwendolen or gabriel, zeia
64. Pets?: nope.
65. Are your parents together or divorced?: neither
66. Do you like scary or happy movies better?: happy
67. On the phone or in person?: in person
68. Night or day?: night
69. Summer or winter?: fall and spring
70. Lust or Love?: both together.
71. Kisses or hugs? both
72. If you could go any where, where would it be?:toronto among others
73. Do you consider cheerleading a sport?: "hahaaaaha radical cheerleading duh"
74. What's your favorite song?: ahhh don't even ask that! it would take way to long
75. Have you ever had an online romance?: umm not really
76. What did you think of this survey?: it made me unbored
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