name: eli
Nicknames: papa eli, e-bird, crazy e
Birthday: feb 18
Hobbies: music, surf
Screen Name: xitsfinishedx
Eye color: blue
Hair color: blonde
Natural Hair Color: blonde
Who do you love/like: i like one.
Number: 3
Color: blue
Place: beach, it relaxes my mind
State: california
Country: usa
Book: son of a preachers man
Game: ddr
Drug: none
Condom: ?
Movie: dumb and dumber, 1 and 2
Store: none
Person: none
Magazine: HM
CD: kings of crunk
Internet activity: aim
---Do You---
Cut urself: everynow and then
Take meds you shouldnt: naw
Pick your nose: sometimes
Lick urself: not recently..
Whine a lot: naw, i keep it to myself
Yell a lot: sometimes
Hate a lot of people: at times/
Have too many friends: i dont have that many
Want to die: naw
Believe in life after death: yep
Go to church: yep
Love school: i like basketball
Have a bf/gf: yep <3 joanna
Have sex: nope
Smoke: nope
Do drugs: naw
Wear dark colors: sometimes
Try to be different: naw
Have any piercings: nope
Break bones a lot: yep
Watch porn: no
Dye your hair: nope
shave strange places: haha i guess so
---Have you ever----
Kissed someone: yes
Frenched someone: yes
Attempted suicide: thought about it
Killed someone: soemtimes
Been raped: only once... naw
Shopped for condoms: nope
Smoked: nope
Gotten Drunk: nope
Worn rainbow: no
Talked on the phone for over 3 hours: yes
Left the country: canada
Had a party with over 30 people: nope
Taken nude pictures: nope
Taped yourself having sex: nope
Stolen something: yes
Ran away from home: nope
Burned yourself: yea
Caught something on fire: haha yea
Cheated on someone: never would be able to.
Wanted to cheat on someone: nope
Fell in love online: haha no
Asked someone out: yes
Been dumped: yep... thats how it usually is
Dumped someone: once
Had a dream then the next day it happens: naw
Called a porn hotline: no
~Pick One~
Cat/Dog: cat
White/Black: black
Hot/Cold: hot
Far/Near: near
Kiss/Sex: kiss
Online/Phone: online
Beer/Book: book
Novel/Poetry: poetry
Music/Silence: music
perfect mate [keep in mind this is an IDEAL]
Short/Long Hair: middle
Tall/Short: middle
Preppy/Dorky/Druggie: preppy, no drugs
Freckles/No Freckles: none
Hair Color: brown
Hat/No: no
Makeup/No Makeup: no make up
Dressy/Casual: casual
Holding hands/Holding 'other body parts': hands
~last person...~
You Touched: mom
You Talked to: brian
You Hugged: dont remember
You Kissed: mom on the cheek
You Instant messaged: ryan
You Yelled At: waves
Who Broke Your Heart: not broken but hurt, we dont talk about her.
~are you...
Understanding: i guess
Open-minded: depends
Insecure: sometimes
Interesting: you tell me
Hungry: yes
Smart: good one.
Moody: yea
Childish: haha yea
Hard working: not really
Organized: nope
Healthy: probably not i am 6'2 and weigh 160?
Emotionally Stable: sometimes
Shy: yep
Difficult: probably
Attractive: i try to be
Bored Easily: depends
Messy: yes
Thirsty: yes
Responsible: can be
Obsessed: naw
Angry: sometimes
Sad: sometimes
Happy: yea
Trusting: i can be
Ill: sure
Talkative: yep
Legal: yep
Original: no
Ignored: sure
Reliable: can be
Deep thinker: sometimes..
Self-disciplined: yea
Sleepy: always.
Lonely: sometimes
Kill: no one
Slap: no one
Get Really Wasted With: no one
Tickle: haha
Look Like: the hulk
Be Like: God
talk to: no one
Talk To Online: whoever ims me next.... haha it was anders
x. wallet - wave riding vehicles with numbers all over it, 4 years old
x. hairbrush - my fingers
x. toothbrush - blue
x. jewelry worn daily - none
x. pillow cover - striped
x. blanket - cat blanket
x. coffee cup - none
x. sunglasses - noone
x. underwear - boxer briefs
x. favorite shirt - none
x. cologne/perfume - very sexy
x. cd in stereo right now - lil john and the eastside boys
x. tattoos - none
x. piercings - none
x. what you are wearing now - towel.
who or what (was/is/are)
x. in my mouth - gum
x. in my head - thoughts
x. wishing - a lot
x. after this - work
x. fetishes - none
x. if you could get away with it and murder anyone, and for what reason - ha none
x. person you wish you could see right now - joanna
x. is next to you - no one
x. something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month- sleeping
x. the last thing you ate - chips
x. something that you are deathly afraid of - nothing
x. do you like candles - yes
x. do you like incense - yes
x. do you like the taste of blood - eww no
x. do you believe in love - yes
x. do you believe in soul mates - no
x. do you believe in love at first sight - yep
x. do you believe in Heaven - yes
x. do you believe in God - yes
x. who is your worst enemy - satan
x. if you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be- a cow
x. what is the latest you've ever stayed up - i dont know
x. can you eat with chopsticks - tried
x. what's your favorite coin - ? quarter
x. what are some of your favorite candies - reeses
x. what's something that you wish people would understand - me
x. what's something you wish you could understand better- girls