(no subject)

Apr 18, 2004 19:16

ya so im still waiting for rita's mr right to leave me a comment...!!!

last night was alex's birthday, it was way fun. first of all alex's brother and his roomate both make bank and have a super nice house...its like the best bachelor pad ever...not only was it just me and ian and alex, but mark (alex's brother) and his two really funny roomates and a couple of other cool people stayed and indulged in the 'fire water' with us, so it was a ton of fun...i didnt do anything as stupid as last time but it was still a blast...its REALLY hard to play halo if you arent sober...but thats beyond the point...the point is that i wish i could read girls minds...sometimes its just so hard to understand girls, its really frustrating, its like one minute your thinking they are thinking one thing, and the next minute its all different...whatever...im just gonna kinda go with it...still not sure about this one girl, i mean she rocks and everything but there is a lot more too it than that, i think im just gonna go with get to know her right now, that seems the best hand to play...i really wanted to go surfing again this weekend but i couldnt because of rain/a million other reasons, which blows because im craving the beach right now...now that there is only 3 episodes of the oc left, im startin to get a little stressed, i mean how am i supposed to wait all summer for new episodes, i wish it would just go year round, eff stupid season breaks...if that bitch tareasa meeses anything up, im gonna be way pissed...but anyway, garret was in palm springs all weekend, so didnt see him, LAME...but oh well...i think im gonna go because the maple leafs senators game is going into double overtime....man im a hockey junky...but ya i love you all give me some life advice and leave me a comment...<3
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