

Sep 08, 2003 22:43

Today was okay. I hardly talked to Brad today..Just like, in the hallways this morning I was walking with Mel, and Rachael down the stairs to EarthScience and he was walking up and I go "Hey!" and he goes "Hey!" ^.^ ehehehe...Then uh, in geometry he asked me for gum (I give him gum everyday, and Scott too XP), and I graded his math paper...freaky. Then I talked to him, going to 6th period (just said hey again). So yeah its sad I hardly talked to him today, but I guess I'm just going to back off from him maybe. I really like him and all, its just, I dont want to push my luck...

Before school even started I had to give Trent back his shit (hence the convo below I had with him last night). And I was carrying his floppy disks and his headphones around looking for him. I couldn't find him and so I was walking down the hallways and I seen him but I had already passed him so I was like "AUGH fuck it" and went back upstairs to find friends. I was trying to find Mel, but I never found her. So I went back downstairs, found Trent (he was by Georgie) and he didn't even notice I was there till Georgie elbowed him and he turned around...and I go "Here's your stuff back" and he goes "Oh, thank you" and I'm like "Your welcome" and turned around and left...ouch..pain..

At lunch I finally ate something. Everyone was surprised. Usually I just get a bottle of Aquafina..but today I hade Aquafina AND a bag of ranch Doritos. I gave Scott a ziplock bag full of mini m&m's lmao and they were only green...I sort my m&m's out and put them in ziplock backs and he liked green so, yeah lol.

Well, I got home and fed Lou, and Salem, then turned on my computer and blah blah blah. Woke dad up and asked if he made me an appointment to get my hair cut and eyebrows waxed. And he did. Yay! So we left and I got my hair cut. The bottom trimmed a little, the top layer cut a little and I got another layer added, so now I have 3! Woo! And my eyebrows hurt SO BAD, my skin is all like...OW! I walked into UPS, right next to Fantastic Sams (haircut place) and Tessa was working so I talked to her for like 10 or 20 minutes and she was like "Omg that looks like it hurts" cause my eyebrows were bright red. Me and dad went to wal-mart afterwards and got dinner and I GOTTA NEW TOOTHBRUSH WOO GO SAM! YAY! and deodorant WOO YAY HAHA! Anyways, um after that I came home and washed my pants, went upstairs and played on the computer, and talked to Josh, showed him my pic, ew, and then I curled up beside the couch on the floor and went to sleep. I woke up and like 20 people were talking to me and I was all scared lol!
I was like

And Trent was talking to me O.o;;

[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: hey thank you very much for my disks and headphones back
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: ok
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: bye bye
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: so um you goin to ignor me now or somthin
)( sam says: sorry omg i fell asleep on my floor
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: o thats ok
)( sam says: k
)( sam says: oh and your welcome
)( sam says: brb doing laundry
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: o ok
)( sam says: k back
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: ok
)( sam says: so whats up
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: nuthin much just chekin out some stuff im gettin for my car
)( sam says: ohh cool
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: yup
)( sam says: so what did you do today
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: i went and got my pics tooken
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: and had subway and thats it
)( sam says: ohh
)( sam says: i got my hair cut..and i went to see tessa...annndd...fell asleep on the floor
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: you went to see tessa
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: y
)( sam says: cause she works by fantastic sams and i just peeked in the window and she seen me
)( sam says: so i went in and like talked to her for like 10-20 minutes
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: o ok
)( sam says: wow, is that sammy in there me or someone else?
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: say what?
)( sam says: profile
)( sam says: HaNgIn OuT WiT My TrU FrIeNdS:GeOrGiE(My GiRl), MaRc,AnDReW,
SaMmY, & My Bro RoBbIe...
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: umm duh who else would that b
)( sam says: meee wooo
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: ahh yea
)( sam says: wow you still consider me a true friend?
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says: yea but dont push your luk
[¤~Tr3l\|T~¤] says:lol
)( sam says: haha alright

then he got off without saying bye...

ANYWAYS IM NOT GOING TO GET SAD OVER THAT >.< *hears laundry beep*
YEAH SO HMM Angel likes my car LMAO XD Thats funny cause I LIKE MY CAR TOOOOOO I spent 5 hours on Sunday buffing and waxing it HAHA im a loser...I have no life! Whee *takes Angel on a cruise uptown to see all the hott guys lmao*
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