
"I just wish someone knew what I am going through..."

Aug 16, 2003 23:06

Yus thats my feet...anyways. Today was alright. I talked to nick for awhile and, the weirdest thing happened..

BldStndCaltrop: I aint high, not me
X l e r l e r: I thought you quit getting high
BldStndCaltrop: no
BldStndCaltrop: I aint high
X l e r l e r: but did you quit?
BldStndCaltrop: I'm just having a good day
BldStndCaltrop: No
X l e r l e r: YOU DIDNT?
BldStndCaltrop: No
X l e r l e r: oh ok
BldStndCaltrop: Did you?
X l e r l e r: what?
BldStndCaltrop: Stop smokin da reefer
BldStndCaltrop: did you stop hittin teh pipe?
X l e r l e r: yeah
X l e r l e r: cause i thought you did
BldStndCaltrop: Ok
X l e r l e r: so i did
X l e r l e r: why do you care
BldStndCaltrop: *blinks*
BldStndCaltrop: Dunno
X l e r l e r: *stares*
X l e r l e r: do you care about me o.o *stares*
BldStndCaltrop: Coz...
BldStndCaltrop: ;P
X l e r l e r: telll meeee
BldStndCaltrop: Im gonna keep ya guessin
X l e r l e r: noway
X l e r l e r: do you? for reallll
X l e r l e r: i'll take that as a no
BldStndCaltrop: Does it really matter?
X l e r l e r: To me? Yesh
BldStndCaltrop: Phine, I just worry that something might happen to you nothing big
X l e r l e r: Ya huh, that's big
BldStndCaltrop: Nut uh brb im hungee
X l e r l e r: Why do you worry, when you never tried to talk to me for almost a year =x
X l e r l e r: mk x.x
BldStndCaltrop: I am going to kill my sister
BldStndCaltrop: She just sprayed me with Infusium and Im out of Axe
BldStndCaltrop: I have no clue why I worry, I worry about a lot of things, and I don't even understand why, just my nature
BldStndCaltrop: Sometimes the only way I can stop worrying about something is being away from it
X l e r l e r: but i dont like being away from you
BldStndCaltrop: Forget it, gonna play RO
X l e r l e r: Alright whatever
BldStndCaltrop signed off at 7:45:43 PM.

Ya I'm kinda sad that he left like that but he always does that to me...I cant really have a 'decent' conversation about anything, well sometimes yeah but its not really what I want to talk about. I wish I knew how Pam talked to him, how she got him to love her...NO AH! *splodes* I could never get him to even be my best friend! Soo..I'm just gonna sit back and pretend I never even liked/loved him. Its not that hard, right? Maybe its a good thing we never got together..maybe we're just good at being friends but not best friends...right....? Right....I'm just going to keep telling myself that. Because who called who? I called him. Who missed who? I missed him, he never missed me. Who wrote to him? Me! >.< I dont get it. And whenever we're mad at each other, who says sorry first? Me, occasionally him. I just wish someone knew what I am going through...
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