What i'm about to show you in what i consider the center piece of my ever growing padlock collection.
This is one of those heavy duty key locks people use to secure the kays of a residence or something, like you see on the doors of houses for sale.
I found this one on the door handle of a store that had shut down and was emptied out. I'm not gonna say where i found it cause i kinda dont wanna risk the chance of getting in trouble for this.
The lock has a small plastic door that slides down releaving a 4 digit combination code. I went through the usual bone-head default combos of 0000, 1111, 2222, etc but to no avail (this has worked before, when someone locked an unused sports equipment chest on a baseball feild near my old highschool with a combo lock with the combo set to 000, D'oh!). But then i wondered, could the number be nearby? Somewhere in plain sight for ease of unlocking it? whenever i find these combo locks, i try to find a number around the lock to see if the code is based off something (like the model # of a portapotty the lock is on). i looked around but i couldn't see the building number. i walked to the left and saw that the store next door was building number 2310. i ran over to the store on the right and saw that its number was 2312. So, the building in the middle has to be 2311.
hmm.... i wonder... (at this point i didn't know it was a key lock, i thought they had just hung a big ass padlock on the door handle for later use)
*more evil laughing*
So, needless to say, today was a good day. I unlocked the thing from the handle and stashed it in the dashboard of my car. Steph's gonna keep the keys for herself (donno why), and i'm obviously keeping the lock itself (i reset the combo to the defualt 0000). If there was a way to give the keys back w/o the risk of them *ahem* being stolen...again... i prolly woulda left them there. but oh well. The keys will prolly be useless in a few weeks, depending on how long it takes the ppl to realise their padlock is gone cause they picked an obvious combo, but we're not gonna risk using them.