do you feel disposable?

Sep 28, 2009 04:24

in case you haven't noticed, i gave up posting every week. from here on in, i'll only be posting once per month unless i run across a neat quiz/meme or have something noteworthy to report on.

i have another plan in the works. after this one falls through, i'm giving up. both this one and my last failure involve (h)yper(b)aric (o)xygen (t)reatment (HBOT). i believe wholeheartedly in this concept but i'm having a hard time winning (warming) people over to it.
well, this is it!
god, i sound like michael fucking jackson!

sotm ([s]ong [o]f [t]he [m]onth) = white walls - access to arasaka
as far as i know, it's about the only song of theirs involving vox. i couldn't find the lyrics but they're pretty intelligible (for the most part).

qotm ([q]uote [o]f [t]he [m]onth) = “I hate mankind, for I think myself to be one of them, and I know how bad I am."
    - Samuel Johnson

so, i'm at the tail end of book 5 of the dark tower series. next up is anna karenina. somewhere (i don't remember where) it was voted as the best book of all time. madame bovary was #5. i have no idea why. i tried reading that book last month but couldn't get past page 100 without feeling devastatingly tainted.

end of month

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